Chapter 29

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Alrik stopped just a few paces away from me so I was able to see the furious storm that was raging in his darkening eyes. The black specks in his gray irises were never so prominent until now.

"What the fuck are you doing here?" He barked, clenching his fists.

I was taken aback by his harsh tone and crossed my arms, "Don't bark at me. You were the one who left this morning without a word. What the fuck were you thinking?"

"What was I thinking?" He asked in an incredulous tone, "I was doing what you said, putting my pack first. Before our relationship. And you come here and demand why I left you? The fuck is your problem? Shouldn't you be prancing around with rogue dragons and getting burnt alive? Isn't that what you wanted?"

His chest rose and fell rapidly as the octaves of his voice started rising.

I couldn't say I was angry. He was right. I told him to put his pack first, and while his methodology was not quite what I expected, it was what he did.

"Alrik, I'm sorry if I made you upset–"

"Why the hell are you apologizing?"

"What else am I supposed to say?"

"You're supposed to answer my questions! I don't want your half-assed apology."

"It is not half-assed! I bet it's more sincere than any apology you have ever given in your life!"

"Oh, so now you're more profound than I am?"

"I never even said that, you selective-hearing mo–"

His mouth slammed against mine, silencing my insult. 

I stumbled back in surprise, but a pair of calloused hands gripped my waist and pulled me up so that my legs wrapped around his hips. I let out a large muffled gasp as he dominated my mouth roughly, releasing all his pent up frustration in the form of biting and sucking until my lips were swollen from his kisses.

He grunted as I yanked at the roots of his hair, trying to drag his mouth away for a moment so I could catch my breath. But the second I managed to escape his lips, he tilted his head to the other side and slanted his mouth against mine once more, deepening the kiss.

I could hear the gravel crunching under his boots as he started to walk up the pathway and pressed my hand against his chest so he would release me from his fierce grip. He leaned his head back so our eyes met, and he clenched his jaw, "You piss me off so fucking much."

I gave him a smug smile, "And deep down, you enjoy it."

His hands squeezed my waist, and my eyes widened when he slid me down his body so I could feel his rock hard erection rub my core.

"I suppose you could say that," he muttered, pulling my head back down so he could claim lips for another breathless kiss. I felt him climbing a short flight of stairs before there was a loud bang.

I peeled my lips off of his to stare at the broken back door, "Did you just–"

"Doesn't matter. I'll get it fixed," he said, shoving my back against the wall next to the door. He nibbled at my neck and kissed his way down to my mark.

"You know, I never got to give your mark the love it deserved," he said, his voice gruff with desire.

"What do you–oh fuck, Alrik."

My eyes almost rolled to the back of my head as he sucked it harshly and bit the skin so that my nerves throbbed with pleasure down to my core that was already dripping with my hot nectar.

The Alpha's Little Witch | Completed ✔️Where stories live. Discover now