Chapter 23

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I would have gasped at his words if I wasn't gasping for breath already.

The antidote to my problem shouldn't have been a surprise to me though. The magic behind a werewolf's mark was so extraordinarily powerful that it only made sense to try to use it to reverse the effects of the Hemlock.

The only problem was was I ready to feel the complete potency of Alrik's mark? Was he prepared to share that strength with me? Were we at that stage of trust yet?

These were questions I did not have the time to answer because his mark wasn't an alternative solution– it was the only solution.

"Jaslynn, if I mark you, the only person who can ever remove the mark is the Moon Goddess herself," Alrik said softly, tracing his thumb over the crook of my neck.

"I know," I croaked, "I'll be alright if you mark me but if you don't want to I don't want t–"

His hair tickled my cheek as he bent his head into the curve of my neck, his breath brushing my skin in scorching waves.

He paused for a split second before I felt the prick of his canines as they pierced my skin slowly and dug into my throbbing pulse.

A warm sensation overwhelmed my nerve endings, and the pain of his invasion disappeared as a pleasant vibration hummed through my mind and body. The stress, the worry, the doubts, every negative emotion that had been circling my head was gone. 

All I felt was bliss. 


The power of the bond rushed over me like a gust of warm wind as my wolf let out a loud howl to express his joy of being physically joined to his mate.

I felt rejuvenated like I had finally been charged to a hundred percent after days of being stuck at the eighty percent mark. My body was pulsating with energy that I did not even know existed.

I raised my head from Jaslynn's neck and studied the bloody punctures that were healing quickly. Her face was relaxed– any sign of distress from the Hemlock was gone– and she even had the faintest smile on her lips as she slumped against me.

The places she touched me were thrumming with pleasure, and I had to resist the need to shiver and pull her body further up against me. If I did that, I wouldn't be able to control myself from burying my cock in her soft folds and burning off this energy that was wreaking havoc on my nervous system.

Although, I did have a feeling this overwhelming intensity from her presence would never disappear no matter how many times she touched me.

I rubbed my thumb over the mark and wiped away the dried blood as her breathing started to even out. 

"How do you feel?" I asked, inhaling the sweet scent of jasmine from her hair.

She let out a soft sign and rested her head on my shoulder, "Like I don't want to move. This is the most peaceful I've felt in days."

Each wolf had a different experience with marking. I never paid attention to discussions about this, but I knew that every bond had a unique power, perhaps ours was being able to make the other feel at ease under any circumstance.

"Come on, I need you to walk so we can make it to the ship. I don't think we should take a rest break anymore. Ester needs to be taken care of immediately"

Jaslynn groaned and rubbed her eyes, "Just when I was getting comfortable."

I smiled half-heartedly and ran my fingers through her messy caramel curls, "We can get comfortable on the ship. We have a lot to discuss now that you wear my mark."

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