Chapter 5

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"Alpha Alrik, the Minister has asked that you go to the conference room for the meeting."

It was about time he called the damn meeting. The Minister did not understand that some of us had work to do. 

The butler led me to the conference room and opened the door for me, bowing his head. I gave him a curt nod and entered the room, furrowing my eyebrows a little at the two people sitting before me. 

It looked as though the Minister and Jaslynn had finished a serious conversation. She was nibbling her lip nervously, and the Minister had his hands clasped together and pressed against his lips as if he was deep in thought.

"Minister," I greeted, snapping him out of his daze.

"Alpha Alrik," he exclaimed, "Please have a seat next to Jaslynn. The others should be arriving shortly."

I approached the little witch, who hadn't noticed my presence until I sat right next to her. She didn't seem too pleased but nodded politely out of professionality, "Alpha Alrik."

I ignored her greeting and skipped straight to the point, "You are my mate."


"You are my mate. I called you my bitch before because I was unaware of the more modern terminology."

Something must have clicked in her head because her eyes lit up with realization. 

For what, I had no idea. 

"How did you not realize that earlier? I'm sure people have talked about their mates in your pack," she asked, cocking her head as she stared at me curiously.

I pursed my lips, "I never cared for talk about mates."

Her lips formed an 'O' and she gave me a little nod before turning to look at the Minister, who was now greeting another leader.

From her facial expressions, I could tell she was indifferent about the two of us. I wasn't expecting her to be excited, especially since she knew who I was and most probably the type of person I was before I even said a word to her. 

She was most likely scared for her future. 

After all, as my chosen partner, she was obligated to return to my pack with me. I would have to inform her of the news after this meeting.

I was not sure what the age gap between us was, but she looked at least ten years younger than me, which was a normal age gap in the supernatural world. My parents had a fifteen year age gap.

But if she was as young as I thought she was, she was still naive, and I would be responsible for bursting the cheerful world she was probably used to. 

"Alpha Alrik, allow me to introduce you to Regan, leader of the largest group of vampires in the world."

I stood up from my chair, glanced at the woman's face briefly, and shook her hand. I did not exactly care about all of these people so introductions were pointless.

She tried to make conversation but I sat back down and ignored her.

If conversation did not relate to me or my pack, I did not want to speak.


After wasting a good twenty minutes of my time, the Minister finally stood up to commence the damn meeting. 

"Now that everyone's here, let me begin by saying thank you for coming on such short notice. I would not have called you if I didn't think this was important. Earlier this week, I had received a letter from a friend that had some troubling news."

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