Chapter 16

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Thank you for your patience, loves. I'm sorry for taking so long.


I could barely make out Alrik's face in the dark as we both were frozen in shock. His hand was still pressed against my bare skin, and the weight of his body on mine was holding me down.

The rising bulge in his pants throbbed against my thigh, and I inhaled sharply, "Alrik, get off."

His eyebrows knitted together, "Get off?"

The double meaning of my command flashed in my head, and I groaned in embarrassment, "Not that get off. The get-your-ass-up get off."

All the blood in his head had clearly flowed down south because he appeared to still be stuck in his lusty world. Nonetheless, he lifted himself off my body and kneeled beside me as I sat up and tried looking around the pitch dark bridge.

"Why did the power go out? Are we under attack?" Alrik asked lowly as he stood up. I whipped my wand out of my pocket and muttered a spell under my breath to create a ball of light at the tip of my wand.

Just as I stood up and directed the light to the engine, the door slammed open and four balls of light floated around, illuminating the faces of the rest of the crew.

"What happened?" Miles asked, walking over and gripping my hand, "Are you alright?"

Alrik placed a hand on my bare back where my shirt had risen, and I stiffened, "I'm fine, Miles. Just caught off guard by the engine busting." And caught off guard by Alrik's random possessive nature.

How Miles did not notice Alrik's hand was beyond me, but he nodded and let me go thankfully. That was when I finally snapped into captain mode and realized I had to put out inspections across the ship.

"Miles, Darlene, Allen, you three check the crankcase. Kevin, Sawyer, check the bedplate. Alrik, you and I will check the tanks and alarm system because an alarm should have gone off if something went wrong with the engines."

As part of the group left to do the inspections, I turned my head so I could see Alrik out of the corner of my eye, "Shall we?"

He cocked an eyebrow and nodded, "After you."


Ten minutes into checking the alarms and Alrik's erection brushing against my ass more times that I would have liked, I flipped around to glare at him. His arms were on either side of my head as he leaned over to check the parts above my head that I couldn't reach.

"Why are you still hard?"

He seemed taken aback by my question but there was a flash of amusement in his eyes, "Why am I still hard? I never had a woman ask me that before." 

"Yeah? They probably ask why you're so hard-headed, not hard."

He rolled his eyes and looked back up at the alarms, "Believe it or not, I cannot control my dick. It's not something I can command like a dog."

"I never said control it. I'm just curious as to why you're still hard when the moment is over and done with."

"The moment is over and done with, huh?" He mocked, dropping his head so I could see his darkening gray depths.

I swallowed hard, trying to pretend I was not aware of how close our bodies were and of the desire that was burning in the pit of my stomach. I could blame the mate bond for how horny we were, but I could also blame it on the fact that neither of us had any action in decades.

"Let me tell you something," his voice dropped an octave, "You may think the moment's over and done with, but being squeezed into this tiny space where I can feel every one of your soft curves grinding against mine and smell the heady fragrance of your arousal has me aching to shove you against the wall of this ship and satisfy you in ways your pretty little head couldn't imagine possible."

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