Chapter 32

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"She's still shaking."

"Perhaps the hot cup of tea will help her?"

"Not if she won't drink it, Conrad."

"Commander, let's not overwhelm her. I'll be back in a few minutes and we can try again."

The back door shut behind him, and Reece appeared before eyes, obstructing my view of the clean white wall of the kitchen. She was frowning with worry as I refused to respond to her questions.

I was trembling more than a newborn penguin taking its first steps in the bitter cold. 

Memories of my grandmother were flashing in my head– her comforting smile, her squeaky laugh, her joy in the littlest things. She was the type of person who felt guilty for stepping on ants, or even flowers if she was not able to see them in time. 

The close bond we shared when we lived together had disintegrated slowly once she left me under the care of Uncle Amos. It was difficult to keep in touch with her when she was too busy trekking around the world.

But that didn't mean I stopped caring.

I was grateful that she took me under her wing when my parents passed away and that she was generous enough to purchase my very first wand for me when she saw I was ready to unleash my supernatural side.

It was just beyond my realm of understanding as to how such a woman ended up on a wall meant to warn future criminals of the price they would have to pay for any atrocities they commit.

The part that hurt the most though? 

I was the last living Beaumont. The only remaining member of my family had been killed, and I did not have a clue.

"The wall must come down," I muttered almost inaudibly, forcing Reece to lean closer so she could get a grasp on what I was trying to say.

"Sorry, could you repeat that?" She asked.

"The wall must come down," I recited, turning my head to look at her as I raised my voice another octave, "If I'm going to stay with Alrik, that wall will not stand any longer."

Her lips parted in understanding, and she sat down on the barstool beside me, taking my quivering fingers in hers, "I don't know what you saw, but I have a feeling you will try to confront Alrik about it."

She waited a moment to see if I would confirm her thoughts, but I stayed silent.

"If you do so," she started, lowering her pitch, "Approach the subject carefully. Alrik will hear you out once, but not a second time. You only have one shot to convince him."

Just as she said that, the back door swung open and Alrik stepped inside, kicking the door shut behind him as he frowned at our pointed stares, "Why are both of you staring at me like that?

Reece stood and patted my back comfortingly before leaving the kitchen to give us a bit of privacy. Alrik pulled his gloves off slowly and eyed my shivering form with a somewhat concerned look on his face.

He walked over to my side and placed the back of his hand on my forehead, "Do you have a fever? Why are you shaking?"

"Alrik," I paused, licking my lips as I tried to form an explanation. He raised an eyebrow and watched me struggle to place my emotions in words, "Yes?"

A part of me didn't even want to look up at him. My perception of him had completely changed, and the sides of him that I had seen before seemed so unreal.

Was this the same man whose ears turned pink when he was embarrassed? How about the man who hugged me when he was stressed? Or the man that saved my life with his mark? Was he the same too?

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