Chapter 8

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For those of you who like to tell me that I lied about Alrik being cruel or that the plot doesn't make sense after reading the first few chapters, KEEP READING. 

My lovely re-readers will tell you the same thing. 


I returned her welcome greeting with a small smile. 

"So," she slung her duffel bag over her shoulder, "What convinced you to join me?"

My lips pressed together in a thin frown. 

Should I take the bag from her hands? She seemed comfortable carrying it herself. I did not want to give her the impression that I did not think she was capable of carrying things herself. 

"Can you smell what's in my duffel bag?" 

I blinked and knitted my eyebrows together, "Pardon?"

She tilted her head, causing her hair to fall to one side, "You're staring at my bag so intensely. I didn't pack any lingerie if that's what you're hoping for."

Did she say lingerie?

My wolf let out a low growl, and somehow an image of Jaslynn dressed in nothing but a red pair of lace underwear formed in my head. 

"Are you sweating?"

My eyes darted to Jaslynn, who was tying her hair into a bun on top of her head with her wand while staring at me curiously.

There was a hint of smugness to her tone, and I maintained my calm facade even though my insides were burning with unwarranted emotions. 

"I'm fine. In fact, it is quite cold outside. You should bundle up and cover as much skin as possible," I stated, nodding towards her closet and hoping she did not think too much about my silent plea.

She raised an eyebrow and took a jacket off a hanger, "So what convinced you to come? You never answered my question."

I stuffed my hands into the pockets of my pants and leaned my shoulder against the wall, "It is a long story. I won't explain it."

In actuality, I didn't want to tell her what happened. There were some things that were better not told, especially this.


I glared at Conrad one last time as he nursed his black eye before turning to the doorway of doom.

My mother was probably standing behind that door, waiting with a knife of some sort to skin me alive.

I didn't exactly fear my mother, but there were days where it was better to steer clear of her. She had a shorter temper than me, and it had created many disasters in the past. And knowing Reece, she was most likely waiting with my mother to take part in my execution.

If only Conrad had shut his mouth and let me handle my mother.

I pulled the key out and unlocked the door as quietly as possible. My first instinct was to put my foot inside first to test the waters before entering completely.

My father was standing in the middle of the foyer with an eyebrow raised as if he was awaiting my presence. 

"It was about time you showed up, kid. I thought you had run away to escape your mate," he chuckled, stepping forward to close the door behind me. 

"So you know."

He nodded his head, "I do know. Your mom does too, and surprisingly, she hasn't blown up yet. She doesn't even look angry."

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