Chapter 43

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⚠️ Mature content: Skip the ~~~~  section if you don't want to read  (You can't exactly skip this chapter because the ending relates to the next chapter) ⚠️ 


"Alright Mer, I faxed the papers back to you

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"Alright Mer, I faxed the papers back to you."

The printer rumbled in the background, and Meredith sighed, "This is way too much work, bitch. When are you coming back to the coven?"

"In a few days, I believe," I said, running my hands through my hair tiredly, "Once I hear back from the Minister. He had sent me a text that they were near the cave, but he hasn't called to tell me whether they found the Book of Demonic Magic or not."

"I'm sure he'll call you soon. It shouldn't take them long to find some data connection again. But enough about that," she leaned forward in her seat and bounced with excitement, "Tell me how you and Alrik are doing after your sacrificial lamb act."

"I wasn't a sacrificial lamb. I was a –"

"Second Jesus?"

"Meredith, you can't compare me to Jesus."

"Fine, how about a peaceful protestor who nearly shook hands with death?"


She gave me the look that dared me to argue with her. Once I had told Meredith the reason I hadn't answered her calls in a week, she was ready to march over to the Prowler Pack and behead Alrik and put his head on the rogue wall.

And she wanted to behead me for being reckless.

I had to explain everything Alrik had done to make amends, and her anger had simmered since, but I knew that if Alrik even glanced in the wrong direction, Meredith would pounce to protect me even if it wasn't necessary.

"Alrik and I are doing well," I said, diverting the conversation, "But I think he's holding back because he thinks I might want to pick up and leave."

"Did you tell him that you plan on staying with him?"

"I did, several times in fact. How much assurance does he need to finally get it through his head that I'm staying for good? If I ever planned on leaving, I wouldn't be curling up beside him every night."

"Maybe you need to make a gesture. How about you propose to him?"

I almost choked on my spit, "That might be a little too grand and too soon for us. We've only known each other for a couple of months."

Meredith snorted, "Yeah, but look at how much shit you've been through together."

"We've just been building our relationship. Perhaps after we get rid of Malcolm, we can think about getting married, but for now, I don't think either of us are ready for a wedding with a dark cloud hanging over our heads."

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