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Assalamu Alaikum


First of all, I thank Allah the Almighty for giving me the courage to write this.

If you're reading this, I thank you for adding my book to your library and giving it a try and Insha Allah, you won't regret it.

Your love and support is all I need to make this happen. So, please after every chapter I need tons of your votes and comments.

The message of the story is actually precise. It's educative as well as entertaining and I hope you would enjoy reading it as much as I enjoyed writing it.

I've used few Islamic terms in some of the chapters and below is a glossary that explains most of the words that you'll come across while reading. Hope it can be helpful to my non-muslim readers.


ALHAMDULILLAH: Praise be to God or Thank God.

MASHA ALLAH: What Allah wanted has happened. It is used to say something good has happened.

INSHA ALLAH: If Allah wills

FAJR PRAYER: Dawn prayer. One of the five daily prayers offered by practising Muslims

ZUHR PRAYER: Noon prayer. One of the five daily prayers offered by practising Muslims

ASR PRAYER: Afternoon prayer. It is the afternoon daily prayer recited by practicing Muslims.

MAGRIB PRAYER: Sunset prayer. One of the obligatory daily prayers performed by practicing Muslims.

ISHA PRAYER: Night prayer. Is the night- prayer recited by practicing Muslims.

SALAT AL-ISTIKHARAH: Is a prayer recited by Muslims when in need of guidance on an issue in their life.

SUJOOD: Prostration to God

SUJOOD ASH-SHUKUR: Is a prostration which is performed for Allah, in order to show Shukr (thanks and gratitude) to Him for a specific blessing.

ASSALAMU ALAIKUM: Peace be unto you. The standard salutation among members of the Nation of Islam.

WA ALAIKA SALAM: And unto you peace. But is often considered the equivalent to "hello" or "good day" in English. It is the standard response to the Assalamu Alaikum.

DUA: Invocation. It's an act of supplication.

SALAH: The word salah is commonly translated as "prayer" or "communication to Allah"

ADZAAN: Call to prayer.

INNALILLAHI WA INNA ILAIHI RAJIUN: We belong to God and to Him we shall return.

RAKAAT: The prescribed movements and words followed by Muslims while offering prayers to God.

NAWAFIL: Supererogatory prayer is a type of optional Muslim salah (formal worship)

HIJAB: The word is used in particular to mean clothing which covers a woman's chest, head and hair.

HAJIYA: means a lady who had gone to Makkah for pilgrimage while the male is HUJI or ALHAJI. However we use the terms to refer to old people in general as a sort of respect just like saying 'sir' or 'madam'.

Disclaimer: The whole of this work is actually a work of fiction. Every character and scene are my mere imagination so if you see anything related to you, just know that it's totally a coincidence.




Enjoy and God bless you as you read


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