Chapter Thirty-Eight

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A month passed by and if anything, Fawwad's and Walija's love grew with each passing day and their bond, knew no bound. After their visit to Walija's parents, they also visited Fawwad's parents. Mami and Abby were more than happy seeing how their children are finally living a happy marriage.

Today was a Saturday and also the day Hussein's wedding Fatiha would be solemnized. It had really been a busy week for both Fawwad and Walija with all the wedding arrangements and celebration. They barely have each others time. They would go out early in the morning every day and come back at night tired. That was their everyday routine throughout the week.

It was seven in the morning and Fawwad was already dressed. He wore a white babba riga(traditional attire) with sleek black loafers matching it with a Zanna bukar cap. His fragrance was that of Gucci Oudh.

Immediately he entered the kitchen, his fragrance drew Walija's attention to him. She was still in her nighties preparing breakfast.

"Oh my God!" She gasped dropping the pancake batter aside. "You look like you're the groom babe" she complimented checking him out again for the umpteenth time.

"Seriously? Or should I get myself a new bride today?" He teased her smiling.

"Is that what you're thinking of?" She asked as she moved closer to him and he took a step back.

"No...wait...stop coming closer please, you're scaring me" he said in between laughter as he kept moving backward until his back came in contact with the kitchen island.

"If you talk about another woman coming into this house, then I won't hesitate to..." And she stopped midway when she looked up at him and got lost in his dark mesmerizing eyes.

"What will you do?" He asked as he threw her one of his best killer smiles and took her unaware in the most searing lip-lock. After some few seconds, he pulled out and said: "what were you saying again?" He winked at her smiling.

"You!?" She shouted and stomped her foot stubbornly.

"What did I do?" He raised a brow at her.

"Why do I love you so much?"

"That's because I'm a good husband to you"

"Yes you are" she confirmed smiling and said "I love you so much" she added.

"I love you more wifey" he smiled and kissed her forehead. "So, what do we have for breakfast?"

"Pancakes and chocolate whipped cream"

"Sounds delicious"

She finished preparing the pancakes in less than five minutes and arranged everything on the dining table. They ate together and washed it down with a glass of warm milk.

It was already a quarter to eight when Fawwad left the house. She packed the plates to the kitchen and cleaned everything before she got up to their room. Yes, their room because ever since they had reconciled, they started sharing the same room.

She took a long refreshing shower before coming out. She wore a loose gown and slumped back on the bed to rest. Fawwad will come back to pick her up for the family get together before the conveyance of the bride which will take place in the night on that same day. So, she decided to have some rest before he comes back.


The wedding Fatiha have been solemnized and Meriam was officially made Hussein's wife. He had been grinning from ear to ear ever since the Imam pronounced them as husband and wife.

He brought out his phone and quickly composed a text message and sent it to Meriam.

Officially Mrs. Hussein Omar.

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