Chapter Twenty-Two

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After he finished praying, he went back to the room and she was just there as he left her. Immediately he sat down, his phone started buzzing and Mami's name flashed on the screen.

"Assalamu Alaikum, good morning Mami"

"Waa laika salam, how are you?"

"I'm fine, Alhamdulillah"

"How's Walija?"

He glanced at her and said "she's still unconscious"

"I pray she wakes up soon"

"Do you think she'll...wake-up?" He still has the fear in him that she's gone.

"Why not and stop saying that. She'll wake up insha Allah"

"But Mami...she has been like this since yesterday"

"She will wake up Fawwad. Just pray for her"

"Insha Allah"

"We'll come over at daybreak"

"Alright" and with that, the call was disconnected.

Immediately he placed his phone back in his pocket, a lanky nurse walked in. She greeted him and went over to check on Walija. She checked her pulse and injected some vaccines into the cannula before she connected a new drip to the cannula.

"How is she?" Fawwad asked the nurse when she was about to leave.

"Her pulse is normal and she's responding to treatment. She'll wake up anytime soon" she smiled

"Okay...thank you"

He was still sitting when he decided to walk out of the room to stretch his legs a bit. His legs were sore from sitting throughout the night.

He was at the reception when Abby and Mami walked in. He went over to them and greeted them before they walked back together to the room.


"Fawwad, you should go home and freshen up. You need to have a rest. Look at how your eyes are swollen. I'm pretty sure you haven't slept all night" Mami voiced out with concern.

"No, Mami I'm good"

"Don't be stubborn Fawwad"

"But who'll stay with her" he said while looking at Walija.

"Children of nowadays don't have shame" she chuckled shaking her head "so, you don't trust us with your wife"

He abruptly ducked his head low out of embarrassment.

"Hauwa, allow him to stay" Abby chirped in smiling. He was proud and elated that they were finally getting their son back.

"But he hasn't even eaten anything" Mami sounded worried.

"I thought Hafsat and Maya are coming with it" Abby said.

"I can see that you also want him to stay" Mami said looking at Abby.

"When they come and he eats, he can leave" Abby added.

After much deliberation, Mami finally agreed on waiting for Hafsat and Maya before he leaves.

Fawwad was just standing looking at them with interest and guilt. Upon all the pain he had caused them, they still loved him and want the best for him.

After some few minutes, they decided to leave the room because the doctor previously told them not to crowd the room. They were seated just outside the room when Hafsat and Maya arrived.

Maya made sure she avoided Fawwad's gaze by clinging to Mami throughout. She was still scared of what he did to her the other time. He noticed her behaviour and he knew she was scared of him.

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