Chapter Nine

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The next morning, she didn't even make breakfast. She stayed in her room having a peaceful sleep. She was disturbed by a persistent thud on her door.

She stood up, still feeling sleepy and opened the door to an angry Fawwad. He was standing by the door. The moment he saw her still in her pajamas, he was shocked as his eyes slightly widened. She fast enough to notice and that made her smirk which she didn't allow him to see.

This is just the beginning, Mr. Fawwad Ibrahim Sufyan

"What the hell are you still doing in bed. I think I've clearly told you that we'll go out in the morning, and why is breakfast not done yet?" He was frustrated and she liked it.

"As you can see I'm sleepy. Please just let me be" she faked yawned

"Who the hell do you think you're speaking to?" he fumed and if to say he was a cartoon character, smoke would've been coming out of his ears.

"Clearly, it's just the two of us and I can't be talking to myself... So, yes I'm speaking to you"

Out of nowhere, she heard a loud unanticipated sound of a slap on her face. She had to close her eyes then open them again to make sure that she's not dreaming it. Before it hit her; the pain.

Her eyes suddenly became teary as her vision blurred due to the effect. She tried hard to push back the tears but she couldn't as she felt them freely streaming down her soft now turned pink cheeks.

She held the spot of contact"Did you just slap me... Again?" a sob escaped her lips. She quickly covered her mouth and damned herself for breaking down again in his presence.

"Wait... Walija... I'm..." She didn't let him finish what he wanted to say as she slammed the door on his face. He almost flinched because it came unexpectedly. She locked the door behind her and rested her back on it as she sobbed harder.

She was pretty sure she saw regret in his eyes and she knows he didn't mean it, but why does he keep doing it?

She knew she'd pissed him to the core, but yet still that doesn't give him the right to keep slapping her whenever he's angry. He has anger issues but venting them out on his wife is so not right.

He seemed nice on the inside. She realized that after seeing him with his siblings. He was not like this before but then what happened to him? What really brought out the monster in him? She kept thinking until his voice brought her out of her little trance.

"Walija please open the door....we need to talk" he pleaded which she turned deaf ear to.

He kept banging the door and when the sound began disturbing her, she moved to the bathroom. She cried her life out before she washed her face and came out. When she finally came out, the room was quiet and she knew that he must've gotten tired and left.

Her face was pale and her eyes were red from crying. She let out a sigh. She slid into her long hijab, sprayed her praying mat and sat. She carried her only solution. The cure to all her worries and the pain killer to all her pains; the Holy Qur'an. Yes, that's her only medication. In it, she found solace.

She recited it for almost an hour in her soft melodious voice. She felt better.

Putting everything aside, she entered the bathroom and took a long refreshing hot shower. She performed ablution before coming out. After rubbing her body lotion, she slipped into a comfy dress. She got on the previously laid praying mat and wore back her hijab. Prayed zuhr prayer(2 o'clock prayer), prolonging her last sujood and crying out to her lord.

When she finished praying, she went to the kitchen and got herself a cup of hot chocolate. That was the only thing she was in the mood of having at that time. After the incident that occurred in the morning which she doesn't want to think about, she had lost her appetite. She decided to skip breakfast for a cup of hot chocolate.

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