Special Thanks💞

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Alhamdulillah! Alhamdulillah!! Alhamdulillah!!!

First and foremost I want to thank Allah the Almighty for giving me the courage and ability to write this. It was never easy and I couldn't believe I've written a book. It feels just like everything was a dream because I never thought WALIJA could reach such a huge audience.

There were so many obstacles I faced in the course of writing this. Some of which made me totally discouraged and I felt like I was just writing a piece of trash. But then, I didn't stop writing, why? Because I was utterly encouraged and motivated by your words of encouragement.

Every time I upload a new chapter I will have the fear in me that it isn't good enough and maybe after that chapter, I'll just give up on writing as a whole but after reading your comments, I'll feel like writing the next chapter right away. So for that, I'm so thankful to you all because it will never have been possible if not because of you.

There were certain people that were there with me following WALIJA from the very beginning. I know all of but I don't want to mention names cause it'll be a very long list believe me😂 anyways just know that I know all of you and I appreciate you all.😊❤😭😘

And to all the new readers that are just starting, to say that I'm thrilled seeing 99+ notification every time I log in to wattpad and knowing that they were all from WALIJA would be an understatement. Trust me, they always put a smile to my face. I appreciate you all❤😘

Lastly, I know that this is coming a bit too late as it's already three months since the book was finished but I still find it necessary to upload this. I have missed writing WALIJA but I missed you guys more😭💔😥

Thank you all once again and may Allah reward you all with the best here and in the hereafter.

Heemarh loves you all.😘😘❤❤

Ohh, and anticipate a new book soon😁 but not too soon, please😥.

Allah Hafiz

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