Chapter Thirteen

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It was a weekend and Fawwad was at home. If there's anything Walija despise, it has to come after weekends. Only on weekends, she got to see more of Fawwad and she just feels awkward when he's around. Though he mostly stays in his room, she still feels suffocated knowing that he's around.

It was twelve noon when she finished all her morning routines for the day and went to rest in the sitting room. After breakfast, Fawwad went back to his room and she hadn't set her eyes on him again. She was watching a reality show when the doorbell chimed. She wasn't expecting anyone so she stood up to open the door and see.

She was surprised when she saw Hafsat and Maya at the door.

"Hafsat... Maya, what a pleasant surprise!" She beamed. She was really surprised as well as thrilled.

"Aunty Walija, Good afternoon" they simultaneously greeted her and she answered by hugging them both.

"Come in please" she ushered them in before she locked the door and joined them in the sitting room.

"How's Mami and Abby?... Hope they're doing fine" she asked when she was finally seated.

"They're doing fine. They sent their regards" Hafsat answered.

"Where's ya Fawwad?" Maya asked. She was looking around to see where he'll show up but he didn't, so she asked.

"Maya! What kind of girl are you? Didn't we just got here?" Hafsat chided.

"It's okay Hafsat, she's just a cute little girl that missed her brother...right Maya?" She turned to Maya and she shyly giggled nodding her head.

"Good" she clasped her hands "let me get him for you" she stood up and left to his room.

What has Maya gotten her into? Ever since they'd gotten married, she has never, even for once went to look for him especially when he's in his room. If she wants anything from him, she'll wait for him in the sitting room and say whatever she has to say to him.

She face-palmed herself before she gathered some courage and knocked on the door. After two knocks his voice came through.

"Who's there?"

'Like seriously you're asking me that. It's a ghost' She wished to say but instead said

"It's me" she rolled her eyes

"What do you want?" He sounded annoyed

'What's really wrong with this crap?'

"Hafsat and Maya are here. They're downstairs waiting for you" she said. When he didn't say anything after some seconds of silence, she made to leave cause she was pretty sure he heard.

She walked back to them and Maya has already changed the channel to cartoon network while Hafsat was busy with her phone.

"He's coming" she said while she sat down.

"Okay!" Maya squalled while Hafsat shook her head. There's such a great connection between the two which Hafsat can't seem to understand.

"Let me get you something" Walija made to stand before Hafsat stopped her.

"It's fine...we've just eaten before coming" Hafsat said smiling.

"How about a drink...chocolate milkshake or banana smoothie?" Walija insisted.

"You shouldn't..."

"Banana milkshake!" Maya shrilled, cutting Hafsat off.

"Maya!" Hafsat scowled at her which made Walija chuckle.

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