Chapter Twenty-Three

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He picked it out as he scanned through it. He was really confused about how his identity card got into his drawer.

If this is really my card, then which card is she holding?

He couldn't put his head around it so he quickly dialled Hussein's number.

"Hussein, where are you please?"

"I'm at home. What's wrong?"

"Can we meet up now?"

"Is everything fine?"

"I'll tell you when you come"

"Now you're scaring me"

"Nothing to worry about" he chuckled "coffee house?"

"Alright I'll be there"


"Oh my God! How is this possible?" Hussein said with surprise as he flipped the card in his hand.

"I don't know either" Fawwad shrugged while sipping on his frappe fruit juice. "But which card is she holding?" He looked confused.

"Could it be that she's just playing you?"

"Then I wouldn't spare her if by any chance what you're saying is the truth" he fumed.

"And I wouldn't stop you" Hussein laughed but Fawwad shot him a cold glare which kept him shut.

"It's not funny you know"

"I know but the whole thing seems funny. She was in danger, you saved her. Then, she suddenly fell in love with you and she thought you would reciprocate and when you didn't...she found a way to force herself in so that you'll finally agree and you'll live a happily ever after. Wow...that's a nice plot for a cliché movie tho" he finished with a glint of humour in his eyes.

"Can you just be serious for once?"

"That's the fact but on a serious note, how comes you didn't know where your card was?" He sounded serious.

"I was looking for it because I thought I've misplaced it. I searched everywhere in the house and office but I didn't see it. I thought it was in that trouser pocket I wore that night, so when she said she saw it, I had no doubt...I believed her because I was looking for it"

"Fawwad!" He facepalmed himself "how can you be so careless with such an important document that can easily be used against you?"

"I know I was careless but how can it be in that drawer for all this while?... I mean, I often open that drawer...everyday, but I didn't see it until today" he finished with a sigh.

"That's not the matter of concern for now. What matters more is that it's with you and safe"

"Yeah...I guess I have to be more cautious"

"Yes what do you intend to do to the bitch?"

"She has to pay for what she'd made me go through"

"Let's wait until she calls you"

"Go on"

"You'll tell her that you've agreed to do what she asked for"

"I'm listening"

"Definitely, she must ask of the place you're going to meet...choose somewhere private so that people wouldn't suspect you"

"And where can that be?"

"Preferably...your private bungalow"

"Heck no! I'm not taking her there!"

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