Chapter Twenty-One

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Slowly, he opened the room and what he saw broke his heart into million pieces and immediately a tear dropped on his cheek which he quickly wiped with the back of his hand.

There on the hospital bed laid an unconscious Walija with many wires all connected to her head, oxygen mask on her nose and mouth, drip on her hand and a cast on her arm. Several bandages and plasters all over her body. The only sound that could be heard was the beeping of the machines.

He moved slowly into the room with his heart beating erratically. He suddenly felt all guilty. He felt it was all his fault that she's suffering.

Why do I always mess up?

He shoved off the feeling and slowly moved further into the room.

Getting down on his knees, he slowly held her hand gently in his looking at her helplessly. Even on the hospital bed, she still looked innocent. All the bad memories kept flowing in his head and he didn't know he was sobbing until when he felt a hand on his shoulder and when he looked up, it was Mami.

"Mami...I'm a bad person" he said to her in between sobs allowing all the tears he was holding flow.

"Don't ever say that again my son and stop crying please" she pulled him up looking at him with concern and pity.

And before he could say anything she engulfed him into a warm motherly hug and he could swear it made him forget all his worries for some time. He felt all safe and for the first time after many years, he felt loved and relieved.

"My son is a good man, just pray for her dear" she whispered in his ear in a soothing voice while gently patting his back.

He slowly broke the hug and looked at her "Mami...I'm sorry, I'm really sorry for everything... please forgive me" his eyes were red and swollen from crying. He felt all ashamed of himself for his previous behaviour. He knew that his parents still got his back but he was too blinded to see.

She just smiled and hugged him again and after some time she spoke "it's alright my son. I'm glad you're finally realizing your mistakes" then the room was silent again only the machines beeping making it the only sound in the room.

After some time Abby and Hussein joined them. They all prayed for her together before they left the room as directed by the doctor.


"Mami you have to go home, it's getting late and you must be tired" Fawwad told her when they were finally out of the room.

"Who will stay with Walija then?"

"Don't worry, I'll stay with her"

After much persuasion she and Abby finally agreed to leave, leaving Hussein and Fawwad behind.


"You know you owe me some explanations right?" Hussein turned to Fawwad with a questioning look when they were finally seated in the reception area after escorting Mami and Abby out.

"Can't that wait?"

"No...I want to know everything now" Hussein looked serious which made Fawwad chuckle.

"See who's laughing now like he wasn't the one crying just a moment ago..."

"Don't even go there" he shot him a glare and Hussein find it hard to suppress his laughter but he tried cause he knew what that could cost him.

"Okay...I'm sorry" he said as he threw both his hands up in surrender "but, tell me what caused all that?"

"I told you I was at my private bungalow" Fawwad looked uninterested to talk about it. Hussein saw it in his eyes but he has to know so he ignored his mood and continued.

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