Chapter Twenty-Six

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"Why do u keep avoiding me?" He calmly asked her. "Do u think you can avoid me for the rest of time? You sure know that you'll go back to your home, our home right?" He searched her face to see whether he could understand what's wrong with her, but her face was blank.

When he realised that she wasn't going to speak, he decided to let her be. He let go of her hand and he couldn't missed noticing the sigh of relief she let out.

"You may leave"

She didn't dare look into his eyes cause whatever was going on in them, she doesn't want to know. She was still standing there in awe when he passed by her and drove out of the mansion.

"What have I done?" She said out loud before she went back to the house as fast as she could.

She locked her room and laid upside down crying her heart out. It was when the tears subsided that she sat up resting her head on the headboard. And that's when she was asking herself why was she even crying? Could it be that she missed her family? Or because of the incident that occurred moments ago? As much as she doesn't want to, she has to agree on the latter.

So many things have occurred for the past few days and it was just too much for her to think over. Considering the fact that she's still recovering and needed as much rest as she could get, her husband's sudden confession isn't helping out. And now, he left like that and without no doubt she knew he was mad at her and probably will go and drink and that's the last thing she wanted to happen.

She was still deep in thoughts when a soft knock on the door startled her. She didn't know who it was and it could be Mami which she doesn't want her to see her like that. She quickly rushed to the bathroom and washed her face before she went to open the door.

It was the housemaid but yet still it was better she washed her face first because she doesn't want anyone to see her like that.

"Anty, Hajiya wants to see you"

"Where is she?"

"She's in the sitting room"

"Okay, you may leave" she dismissed her before she went back into the room and rechecked her face in the mirror before she walked down to the sitting room.

She found her sitting on the couch with the TV remote in her hand. She greeted her before she sat on the armchair.

"Since you're friend left, you've been in your room. Are you alright or is there anything I should know?"

Yes, it's your son Mami.

But, heck no she couldn't tell her that after all the love and care she had been showing her and now, she'll tell her that her son is her problem. No, she can't so she said,

"No mami, there's nothing wrong. Just that I wanted to rest a little" and she nervously chuckled feeling all bad lying to that innocent soul.

"It's alright and I'm glad you're doing that"

And that's how they stayed and talked for some time and watched the TV. They were quiet for some time before Mami spoke again.

"Tomorrow is Friday and you do know it's your appointment day right?"

"Yes Mami"

"Okay, you should get ready early, your husband will come and take you there"

Why does it have to be Fawwad that will take me? Oh, that's just great. She mentally rolled her eyes.

"Did you hear what I've just said?" Mami asked again when she didn't get a response from her.

"Um... Yes... Yes, Mami, I've heard" she stammered.

"Okay" and from the way Mami answered, she knew she wasn't convinced that nothing was wrong with her. But she didn't say anything as she continued watching the TV and Walija was more than glad for that cause she wasn't ready to answer any question she'll throw her at that moment.


When Fawwad drove out of the mansion, he was deep in anger and wanted to just be alone, so he drove to his private bungalow.

He sat on the couch with his head in both his hands.

"Why is everything still messed up?" He whispered yelled to himself.

To him, he thought after apologising everything would fall back into place but no, he was wrong. Everything was just getting messier with each passing day. What pained him more was Walija trying to be someone she isn't. He knew her to be calm and kind but after the accident, she was something else which he couldn't figure out.

Is the doctor sure nothing touched her head?

He was just confused and didn't know what to do as he stood up and walked to the fridge. There were four rows in the fridge and each was occupied by a different variety of alcoholic beverages. There was vodka, rum, liquor and brandy. He scanned through the bottles before he took a bottle of liquor and went back to the sitting room.

It was the first time he would drink ever since Walija's accident. He thought of given up drinking for her sake just to mend things right. But she was pushing him away so there was no use stopping because of her.

He opened the cap and it made a pop sound followed by slight steam. The steam hit his nostrils which made him to scrunched up his nose. He slowly pulled it to his mouth and closed his eyes before he gulped it down in one sip.

"Damn!! Arrg!!" He shouted and threw the bottle to the wall. The glass crashed and scattered all over the floor.

He stood up to move to the bedroom, but he was already feeling too dizzy and his head felt heavy. Everything in the room was turning and before he could move any further, he fell on the floor.


The blazing morning sun hit his eyes which made him to groan. He used the back of his hand and covered his face. He stayed like that for some minutes before he stood up and pulled the drapes making the room a bit darker.

He entered the bathroom and washed his face. He performed ablution before he came out. He prayed all the prayers he had missed before he went back to take a shower.

Coming out of the bathroom, he heard his phone ringing. He didn't know where the sound was coming from because he can't recall where he had kept his phone. He checked all over and found it in his trouser's pocket.

He was scrolling down through his call log when yet another call came through and it was from Mami.

"Assalamu Alaikum" was the first thing he said when he picked the call.

"Wa alaikum salam. Where were you Fawwad? I've been calling your number for almost an hour"

"Um...I... I slept off" he stuttered vividly recalling how he had ended up sleeping the previous night.

"Have you forgotten Walija's appointment is today?"

Oh, God! He said under his breath but she heard him.

"Just get here fast. The time is ticking" she added.

"Alright, Mami" and with that, the call was disconnected.

He placed the phone down and scurried to his closet. He wore a sky blue kaftan with a matching cap before he went out of the house locking the door behind him.


Do you think Walija is doing the right thing by avoiding Fawwad?

And for those asking, I've placed a glossary for the Arabic terms in the A/N at the beginning of the book.

Your votes and comments matters😿


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