Chapter Seventeen

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It was already past twelve and Fawwad still hadn't come back home from work. Walija knew he can pass that time before coming back but today was different. He hasn't come back home since he left in the morning for work. She has no idea where he could be for so long.

On the other hand, she felt guilty because she believed it's all her fault and whatsoever happened to him now, she has a hand in it. In fact, she was responsible for everything. Ever since the incident occurred, it kept haunting her for the past few days that it's all her fault. Even though deep down, she knew it was the right thing to do, she still feels bad because of the way she'd approached him. She still damns her anger for getting the best out of her.

She eventually got tired of sitting cause she had been there all day and only got up when she wants to pray. She hasn't even eaten properly throughout the day. Ever since he stopped eating her food, she only cooks for herself and since she's not much of a foodie, she mostly eats snacks or junk food which was not good for her health.

Even before she got married, Umma will have to persuade her like a kid before she eats proper food and veggies. But on the other hand Fawwad was a foodie and likes his veggies so that's why she has to cook proper food with veggies and in the process, she started eating too and it wasn't bad. But now that he doesn't eat, she finds it hard to prepare the food, so she just eats light food which was mostly junk food.

She was already dozing off when she decided to make herself a cup of coffee to keep her awake.

She just finished three cups of coffee and was sipping on the fourth one, but he wasn't back and it was already quarter to two. To say she was worried was an understatement. She could have just turned in for the night like nothing was wrong but she's not that heartless. His parents trusted her with him and if she does that, it will be a big slap to her father because he trusted her to be a good person.

I've messed up, I shouldn't have talked to him that way.

She decided to call Hussein and ask whether he knew where he was but damn it, she doesn't have his contact. And she was so silly for not collecting Meriam's number, she could've gotten Hussein's number now from her. She wanted to call Noor, but what can she do to help. Typical Noor, she'll just panic that her husband has gone MIA. Besides, it won't even be the right thing to do cause it was already two in the night and she most definitely has slept.

She couldn't call Mami either asking her where her son is in the middle of the night. She will sound absolutely ridiculous and make them worry for what she herself doesn't know.

She was just confused, so she decided to check his room whether she could find any means of calling Hussein but she found nothing. Instead, she saw his identity card in some old files in a drawer.

How can Fawwad be so careless with such documents? I'm sure he doesn't know where he kept this.

She thought before she dusted the card and placed it in the bedside drawer. There in the bedside drawer, she saw his compliment card. His name, phone number and office address were perfectly written with neat golden calligraphy. She let out a relieved sigh before she placed everything back to its place and went back to the sitting room.

She typed in his number and contemplated whether to call him or not.

But what if he doesn't pick my call? But he won't even know who's calling him.

She shoved off all the thoughts before she gathered some courage and dialed the number. Immediately it started ringing, her heartbeat picked up its pace. But he didn't pick. It didn't bother her because she knew not everyone picks calls from an unknown number.

For the past five minutes, she had been dialing his number non-stop. She was at the twentieth dial when she lost count.

She became really worried and couldn't think of anything to do, so she decided to go look for him herself. She knew it was a bad idea to go out at that hour of the night, even though she doesn't know where to go look for him but that's the least she could do she thought.

She slid into her long hijab and grabbed the car keys and her phone before she set out.


"Ma'am, where are you going at this hour of the night?" the gateman curiously asked after she told him to open the gate for her.

"It's none of your business. Just get the damn gate opened will you!" She raged.

He contemplated before she shot him a deadly glare. He was reluctant but there was nothing he could do to stop her so he slid the gate opened. She has never spoken to him in that manner and that made him even more curious.


The streetlights were dimmed and only a few vehicles were seen on the road. It was calm and peaceful and for some seconds, she almost forgot all her worries until the cold night breeze hit her face making her jerk out of her little trance. She immediately closed up the windows to keep out the chill

She doesn't know where she was going but she was just driving. So many thoughts were going through her mind and she was confused.

She was just driving absentmindedly when she sighted a speedy full light vehicle coming towards her. She made an attempt to move to the other side of the road but the light from the vehicle was intense on her view which made her lose control out of fear. She just heard a loud thud when their cars collided. The effect was so intense making her car somersault to the roadside.

"Innalillahi wa Inna ilaihi rajiun" was the only thing she could utter before everything turned black.


Oh my Allah😱 what has Walija gotten herself into and where could Fawwad possibly be?

Any guesses?

If Walija has found Fawwad's identity card, then which card does that lady has?

Things are really getting heated oo😂😂

Your votes and comments matters😿


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