Chapter Fifteen

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Walija just finished face timing the twins, when her phone started ringing, she checked it and saw it was Noor.

"Thank you so much for the visit... dear friend"

"Oh come on Walija, quit the sarcastic attitude" Noor teased laughing "you aren't good at it"

"Okay fine...whatever. Why didn't you come anyway?"

"I'm fine too...thank you"

"Would you just stop's annoying you know"

"Sorry," she said in between laughter "actually we traveled to the village to see our grandmother from Ammie's side...she's sick and my network kept fluctuating throughout our stay there, so I didn't get the chance to call you"

"Innalillahi! Hope it's not severe"

"Yeah, high blood pressure...but the doctor prescribed bed rest for a month and she's under medication"

"May Allah grant her quick recovery"

", how're you?"

"I'm fine and you?"

"I don't even know...I'm tired and exhausted"

"That's sad...just take a nap or something"

"I'm thinking the same too...let me go. Bye" and with that, she hung up.

"What a crazy friend I got" she smiled and placed the phone on the bedside drawer.

Suddenly, the thought of her conversation with Mami when Fawwad took her to visit them a few days after her family's departure, kept flashing back to her memory.

"Walija, I know that you're really trying in staying with Fawwad and we are very much grateful for that. We can never thank you enough and Allah will reward you for that" she said with sympathy written all over her face.

"It's alright don't have to thank me"

"You know, he wasn't like this before" she was deep in thoughts before she smiled sadly "he used to be an obedient child. He always does what we asked him to do and the most important of all; he was very religious. He memorized the Holy Qur'an at a very tender age. I could still remember that day" she paused for some time and smiled like she's living the moment all over again before she continued

"His father and I have been married for three years without a child" she heaved a sigh. "People then started calling me names, saying that I'm a barren and I can never give him a child. His father's relatives even went to the extent of nagging him to add another wife" she smiled "but then he refused saying that children are a gift from God and when it's our time, He will bless us"

"It must have been a hard time for you" Walija had looked at her with concern.

"It was...but Allah in his infinite Mercy proved them wrong as I gave birth to Fawwad. That was when they stopped calling me names and even his father's relatives that wanted him to get married, came back apologizing"

"And you forgave them?"

"Yes, my dear. We sin and Allah the Almighty, the most forgiven forgive us, so who are we to not forgive our fellow mankind?"

"What happened then Mami?" She was eager to know the remaining part of the story.

"Fawwad became the apple of our eyes. He was loved by everyone from both sides of his family. Even though he was pampered by everyone, that didn't make him become a spoilt child. He was obedient and respect everyone that's older than him. He was such a great blessing to us.

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