Chapter Twelve

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"Yes... Me" she said as she batted her eyelashes.

"What do you want from me?" He looked irritated

"Well... I came to thank you, of course" she said as she shamelessly crawled her fingers on his shoulders.

"Will you get your filthy hands off me!" he vociferated as he flung her hand away.

"Wow!... Take it easy lion" The way she chewed her gum was annoying. Her face was plastered with too much makeup. She was the correct definition of a spoiled brat. "As I've said, I'm here to thank you for the other night"

He could vividly recall the other night incident in his head.

He was about to enter his car when he heard faint screams of a woman. He wanted to just ignore it and leave as it was already late, but his mind was curious. He locked his car and moved to the direction the sound was coming.

There in a dark corner, a lady was surrounded by three thugs.

"Leave me alone, you filthy creatures!!" She shouted

"How do you expect us to leave such a captivating beauty?" one of the men said.

"I don't deal with dirty men like you!" Her voice was becoming hoarse as they dragged her.

Just then, Fawwad moved to the scene.

"Let her go!" His voice was cold

"Hahaha! And why should we listen to you?" one of the men teased.

"Who do you think you are?" One of them added.

"I said leave her alone now!" He was getting pissed up

They let her hand go and start approaching him and soon they'd circled him. They looked really strong but he wasn't going to back down either.

One of them threw him a punch on his stomach which made him hold the place of contact out of pain. He abruptly got up and threw back the same punch and in no time they were in a serious combat.

He was successful in scaring them off because they were under the influence of drugs. They all ran and left the scene like scary cats.

Immediately they left the place, the lady came out. She must've hidden somewhere throughout the scene. She was badly dressed and that was what attracted the thugs to her.

"Thank you very much for helping me" she thanked him and placed her hand on his shoulder which he abruptly swung off him. Blood was dripping all over his face. He hissed and swiftly left to his car. Leaving her all alone in the cold night.

He even remembered when he got home with blood all over him and how Walija have helped him.

"You've thanked me the other night...why are you here again?" He finally said after much silence.

Just then the waiter brought his order and placed it on the table.

"Vodka... That's a nice choice" she commented.

"Just tell me why you're here and get the hell out of my sight now!" he said while pouring his vodka into a wineglass.

"So, let me put it this way... I want to thank a proper way" she said as she chewed her gum.

He nodded while sipping his vodka and she continued.

"What do you stand?" and her reply made him choke on his vodka. He started coughing and she patted his back which he pushed away immediately the cough subsided.

"Are you out of your mind? And don't ever touch me again!" He whisper yelled.

"What? Have I said anything wrong?" She was nonchalantly chewing her gum.

"You're very stupid for asking me that. What do you even think of me? Do you think I'm one of those men that go around chasing cheap harlots like you? Well I'm not and you can go back to your bordello or wherever you're coming from and die there!" he raged, the scowl on his face deepening.

"Did you just call me a cheap harlot?" she pouted.

"I should've allowed those thugs assault you to death!"

"But I thought you love me"

"Love you? Are you mad?" He said letting out a humourless chuckle.

"The way you handled those thugs...just like a lion saving his lioness" she winked at him and continued chewing her gum as if nothing happened.

He knew he was just wasting his time talking to her because after all he'd said to her, she looked unconcerned. The way she dressed was enough to drag those thugs to herself. She might look seductive to others but to him, she looked disgusting.

He brought out money from his pocket to pay his unfinished vodka. He place the money on the table, shot her a deadly glare before he got on his feet and left her puzzled. But unknown to him when he brought out the money out of his pocket, something fell on the ground. She too didn't notice it until he was out. She picked it up from the ground to see what it was.

"Fawwad Ibrahim Sufyan" she flipped the card in her hand "Could it be the son of Alhaji Ibrahim Sufyan; the famous business tycoon?" She blew a bubble with her chewing gum and smirked as she tossed the card in her bag.


Fawwad, on the other hand, was filled with anger when he drove out. What keeps bothering him was why she thought so low of him. Does she think she can entice him just because of the way she dressed? And even go to the instance of trying to seduce him?

"Damn it!" He furiously hit the steering wheel.

"I may not be loyal to Walija...but that...oh God" he hissed. "The next time I see that harlot, I'll make sure I asphyxiate her myself" he fumed.

He arrived at the gate of his house and immediately the gate was swung opened.

Walija was in the sitting room when she heard a car pulled in. She was surprised because it was just some minutes after twelve midnight. Before she could go peek through the drapes to see who it was, he barged into the house. She almost flinched out of fear before she saw it was him.

She was surprised because he was the last person she was expecting to see home at that hour. Even though she doesn't want anyone visiting at that time, yet still she wasn't expecting him and she dare not ask him anything.

He was really angry because she could see the fire in his eyes. He was looking for someone to vent all that anger on and she doesn't want to be a scapegoat, so she kept mummed.

He glared at her before he walked up to his room. She let out a sigh and rolled her eyes.

"That's the highest you could do" she said to her herself while looking at the direction he'd disappeared. She smirked and locked the door before she walked up to her room.

She doesn't know why he was back early or why he was angry. But whatever it might be, she knew that it has nothing to do with her. And she doesn't want to know either.

She performed her ablution, said her sleeping supplications before she turned in for the night.


So who's this lady that wants to mess up with Fawwad?

Could that card be of any advantage to her?

Well, we don't even know what kind of card it is.

Let's find out in the next chapter.

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