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It has been a week since they had arrived in Malta. They had lodged into the sunny coast resort and spa and it was one of the best places to be and enjoy your Holidays in while in Malta. Their rooms are self-contained with everything they needed. It was a two bedroom flat with a sitting room, a bathroom and a kitchen with a balcony that will give you a beautiful view of the city.

The spa was just some few feet away from the apartment and that was where they mostly spend their evenings. Either in the spa or in the swimming pool and sometimes they exercise in the gym. The small restaurant was Walija's favorite place in the spa and it has become their daily routine to take ice cream every night alongside with all kinds of junk food. Fawwad would warn her about catching cold or stomach ache but she will stubbornly say nothing will happen and that it was.

Today was a Tuesday and it marked their anniversary date. Early in the morning, Fawwad woke up before Walija. He had already booked his gifts and everything will be brought to him in the morning. He had just come out from the bathroom when the doorbell chimed. He quickly went over to get the door as he doesn't want the sound to wake her up.

He collected the parcel from the delivery guy and signed before he thanked him and he left. He went back to the bedroom and she was still asleep. He gently placed the parcel beside the bed. He picked the bouquet and knelt beside the bed where she slept.

He gently tapped her and she groaned squeezing her eyes.

"Wake up my lazy baby" he teased.

"Fawwad!!!" She moaned before she opened her eyes ready to retaliated but immediately she set her eyes on him, she froze.

"Happy anniversary baby" he smiled and lightly placed a lingering kiss on her forehead before he gave her the bouquet.

"Oh my God! How can I be so lazy to not wake up early for our anniversary?" She damned herself before she sat upright on the bed.

"I told you I will be the first to wish you" he laughed.

They had an argument the previous night on who was going to wish the other first and from the way things looked, Walija lost.

"You cheated!" She said stubbornly and he laughed.

He picked the parcel from the ground and gave her. She looked at him wondering and he nodded for her to open it.

Immediately she opened it, her face lit up. There was a chocolate gift box inside that consist of all varieties of chocolates and white fluffy teddy bear. She suddenly became speechless and her expression, was out of the world.

She took him into an unexpected hug and whispered "Thank you so much hun" in his ear.

"No need to thank me. You deserve way more than that" he smiled before he broke the hug and looked at her.

As she picked the teddy bear, a small box fell from it. She picked it and asked him "what's this?"

"Open it and see for yourself"

She slowly opened it and in it was a small shimmering diamond ring. He noticed the surprised look on her face so he picked it and gently put it on her ring finger. It looked perfectly good on her. He leaned forward and kissed it.

"Am I worth that in your heart?" She asked with teary eyes of joy while looking at her finger.

"Oh come on sweetheart! Why even compare yourself with such a pathetic ring. You worth a million times more than that. What you did to my life was nothing compared to a diamond ring. I just thought of getting you something expensive cause cheap things ain't for you so, I got you that"

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