Chapter One

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The room was dim and quiet, only the wall clock ticking, making it the only sound in the room. Twelve fifteen and Fawwad was not home. Walija was already used to it, so it wasn't disturbing her anymore. She was dozing off when she heard a loud bang on the door. She wasn't terrified because that was what she has been waiting for all night.

She got up clearing her eyes to check the time and it was already past one. She was at the foyer when yet another bang came through. She let out a sigh and gently opened the door.

He stood with both hands on the wall for support. His head was ducked low with his coat carelessly thrown on his shoulders while the upper buttons of his inner shirt were unbuttoned. His hair was a mess. The light of the moon making his dark skin glow.

"Will you move!" His thunderous voice came. She shivered out of fear and moved to the side.

He walked passed her and she quickly covered her nose. When he was finally out of sight and probably in his room, she let out a breath which she didn't know she was holding. A sob escaped her mouth which she quickly covered with the tail of her veil. She locked the door and rested her back on the locked door. A lone tear escaped her eye which she didn't mind to wipe. Slumping on the cold floor, a new set of tears streamed down her cheeks. She sobbed really hard like there was no tomorrow until her eyes were red and swollen.

She knew that no one will come and tell her to stop crying so she sluggishly stood up and moved to her room.

She got into the bathroom and washed her face, performed ablution and came out. She wore her long brown hijab and sprayed her praying mat and set to pray.

She prayed two rakaat nawafil prolonging her last sujood. Pouring out her heart out to her Creator. She asked for the best out of her marriage and also prayed to Allah to guide her husband to the righteous path and make him see the truth.

After she said her salam, she said her azkar and once again prayed. Prayer was the only solution to her problems and she strongly believed that one day God will answer her prayers, so she never got tired of praying.

She was still in her praying position when she dozed off. Only waking up when the adzaan to Fajr prayer was called. She doesn't need an alarm or someone to wake her up for Fajr prayer; it has already become a part of her that whenever it was time for Fajr prayer, she wakes up by herself.

She got into the bathroom and performed her ablution. She prayed and since she doesn't go back to sleep immediately after Fajr till the sun comes up, she went back to take her bath. She dressed in a simple A-shaped Ankara gown, perching her headgear in a simples style. She wasn't the makeup type but even if she was, why would she make her self up for him? Her beauty didn't seize to show even when she wasn't happy. She lined some kohl in her doe-like eyes. Applied a subtle lip balm on her soft pink lips before she walked out of the room.

She got to the kitchen and started preparing breakfast. No matter how their marriage was a mess, she always cooks and he always eats. Making it the only thing working out in their marriage life. Apart from that nothing was working out. They all have their strong ego and that was the major thing breaking them more and more with each passing day.

She made pancakes with whipped cream topping. Boiled some water and turned it in a flask.

She arranged everything on the dining table before she went back to clean the kitchen. Her mother and mother-in-law both insisted to get her a house help even if it's just one but she refused. It has always been her dream and she must make it come true even though her married life was a living hell. She still wants everything in her home to be done by her, at least that way she can earn rewards.

Upon coming out of the kitchen, it was already past seven and as expected he was already on the dining table helping himself with the pancakes. Well, that's one of the few things she knew about him; he is punctual with his job though they owned the firm.

She quietly moved and sat on the seat opposite him.

"Good morning" she simply greeted

"Morning, how're you" he answered without sparing her a glance

"Alhamdulillah" she said while she poured the hot water in a tea mug.

And that's how they had their breakfast in total silence. Apart from the greetings they never talked about anything. That was enough they thought, at least they weren't keeping malice.

When he was done, he picked his phone and car keys and left the house. She heard his car pulled out of the mansion. She let out a sigh and continued eating her breakfast.


He passed the reception area while he got numerous good mornings. He all answered them and walked straight to the elevator which will take him to the fifth floor where his office was located.

Coffee was his favorite beverage and always takes it every morning. That was the reason he has a coffee maker in his office. Making it easier for him to make it himself as he is the only one that can make a perfect coffee that will taste good to him.

He was sipping on his coffee and working with his wireless desktop when a soft knock came to his door.

"Come in" was the only thing he said and continued his work.

When he finally looked up to see the intruder, it was his alter ego; Hussein

"What's up buddy?"

"Nothing much, just passing by" Hussein answered while he took the visitors seat opposite his friend

"Mind for some coffee?"

"Who can say no to your special coffee?" Hussein smiled. He has always been a fan of his friend's coffee.

After getting his coffee, they talked for some minutes before Hussein excused himself as he has some work to be done in his office so he took his leave.


So here we go, done with the first chapter
I've put all my effort into it so I need you guys to tell me what you think
I know that I've made it a bit twisty😁 but that's just the beginning

Hope you like it... And don't forget to vote, please😿

Next update coming up soon Insha Allah


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