Chapter Eleven

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It was a Friday and Walija decided she paid a visit to her parents. They'll soon leave to Saudi Arabia and she wants to see them before that. She waited for Fawwad to come back from work so she can inform him before she leaves. Being it a Friday he'll be back by twelve noon and she could leave after two if he permits.

As she was waiting for him, the door swung opened and he walked in. She abruptly stood up and went over to him.

"Welcome home," she said

"Thanks..." He wasn't expecting that from her after what happened yesterday.

"I want to go see Umma before they leave. Their departure is due next week. If that's okay with you"

He was silent for some time which she thought he wouldn't agree but he did and his reply surprised her.

"Wait for me, we'll go together after Jummu'at prayer(Friday congregational prayer)" and with that, he left to his room.

She didn't like the idea of him going with her but then he didn't say no and that was enough for her.

She went to the kitchen and brought the food she had earlier prepared from the oven and placed it on the dining. She knew that he eats before he leaves to the Masjid(mosque), so she always sets his food ready before he leaves unless they had a misunderstanding.

She finished everything and went up to her room as she has already eaten. She took another bath and came out to pray. She wore a kimono over a pink silky top and black jeans. She draped a veil over her head. Sprinkled a little powder, lined her eyes with Kohl and applied a subtle lip balm. It was simple but she looked elegant.

After Jumm'at prayer, Fawwad was in the sitting room waiting for her. One thing with Fawwad; he always keeps to his words.

When her scent hit his nostrils, he looked up in awe. When their eyes looked, he quickly averted his gaze.

"Go and change that and meet me in the car" his voice filled with authority. He dropped the remote control on the center table and carried his car keys before he left.

"Go and change that and meet me in the car" she mimicked him "what's up with the jealousy when you don't even consider me your wife" she huffed before she went back to change. She wants to go home so she has to do as he says because she doesn't want anything to go wrong.

He was tapping his phone when she entered the car dressed in a peach abaya(Arabian gown).


When they got into the house, the sitting room was empty after the maid opened the door and left. Fawwad made himself comfortable in the sitting room while Walija went upstairs to check on Umma.

"Assalamu Alaikum(peace be unto you)Umma" she entered her mother's room with a salam. The scent of the room's bakhoor(incense) hit her nostrils making her realized how much she'd missed home.

"Walija! What a pleasant surprise" Umma was holding a pocket Quran in her hand. Umma is the religious type of woman.

"I just missed your pretty, I'm here!" she beamed as she went over to where her mother was sitting engulfing her into a hug.

"That's nice of you" Umma said placing the Qur'an aside.

"Where are my twins?"

"They're still not back from the Masjid"


"They'll soon be back...I guess. They went together with your father" Umma said while checking the wall clock.

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