Chapter Thirty-Three

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Walija was sitting in the sitting room when the doorbell chimed. She was reluctant to go and open it cause she was in the middle of enjoying a peaceful rest. She got on her feet when the second chime came through. She internally groaned at the impatient visitor cause she clearly knew it wasn't Fawwad as he doesn't come back from work at that time.

She was surprised when she opened the door only to be met with Fawwad's face.

"What? It's you...why are you back so early?" She couldn't help but ask and just when the words slipped out of her mouth, she realized how ridiculous she sounded asking him that. After all, it's his house and can come in anytime he wanted.

"Can't I come back to see my wife whenever I feel like"

She was still in thoughts when his words gave her goose bumps making her to quickly looked up to make sure if he was really the one that said that or it was just her hallucinating.

When their eyes locked, he winked at her and smiled. He saw the mixed emotions in her eyes and he knew she was awed.

Get ready dear wife, this is just the beginning. He internally smirked and passed by her to his room.

He left her flabbergasted as she tried to sink in what just happened. The sound of the door closing probably from his room jerked her out of her trance.

"What the heck just happened? When? How? What?" She repeatedly asked herself. She just locked the door and sluggishly moved back to the sitting room.

She was engrossed with her phone when he got down to the sitting room. She didn't notice he was in the room until she felt his presence beside her.

The way she looked at him made him know he startled her.

"Hey! I'm not a ghost please" he laughed as he stretched his legs on the center table and place both his hands at the back of his head resting comfortably on the couch like nothing happened.

"Okay, this has to stop. What are you trying to imply? You have been acting weird ever since you got into the house. Can you just quit the attitude and just tell what's going on please?" She fumed impatiently.

He abruptly sat upright "it's because I love you. Yes, I love you Walija" the words just slipped out of his mouth without him realizing it. He was desperate and could do anything to make everything right again.

"What!?, Fawwad you don't love me. love her" and for some odd reason, she felt tears streaming down her cheeks. She quickly covered her mouth and ran up to her room.

He called her name several times which she turned deaf ear to. He knew she needed alone time to try to sink everything in cause he knew it would be hard but he was damn serious and meant everything he stated, so he let her be.

He got up and went to the kitchen. He opened the fridge and got himself a chilled lemonade. Ever since he stopped drinking, he became addicted to lemonade. Walija has to believe he loves her cause he even gave up drinking for her sake which was something difficult to stop cause he tried to stop it for years but he couldn't cause he was too addicted and he just stopped it in a day all because of her.

He was famished and the food wasn't on the dining. He checked in the oven to see whether she had placed it there to warm it but nothing was in there.

He opened the kitchen cabinet and scanned through it before an idea came to him.


Walija just found herself crying uncontrollably for no reason. Just when the tears subsided, she realized she was being childish for crying just because her husband confessed his love to her. It wasn't the confession that made her cry but the fact that he once mentioned to her that Salina will always be the woman he would ever love and that statement broke every little hope she had for them in the past to someday live like every other normal couple.

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