Chapter Thirty-Five

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The drive was a silent one even though Fawwad tried several times to initiate a conversation, but to no avail because she kept on giving him yes and no answers. He knew she wasn't comfortable around him and it hurts him knowing the reason for that and he vowed to change that tonight.

Walija was just seated absentmindedly when the car halted in front of a dazzling five-star restaurant. She was still awed looking out at the restaurant when her door swung open. She didn't utter a word to him as she stepped out taking in the surrounding, admiring every bit of it and of course loving it.

"You'll love it more when you go inside" she heard Fawwad's voice out of nowhere. She quickly looked down feeling embarrassed. And she hoped he didn't notice how she was admiring the building.

"Um...yes" she muttered more to herself.

She was about to start walking when she felt something warm grasp her hand and slowly entwining her fingers. She abruptly looked down at their entwined hands before she looked up at him. She made to free her hand while she was still looking at him but he shook his head 'no' and she obeyed even though her heart picked it pace instantly.

They walked hand in hand into the restaurant and that's when she realized the outside was nothing as beautiful compared to the inside. There were a few people inside but none of them looked up as they were all minding their business.

They past by all the seats and Walija kept wondering why he hasn't chosen a seat for them to sit. When they reached the staircase, they descended down to a drop-dead heaven on earth which she presumed to be underground.

The lights were dimmed and the place was decorated beautifully. It was the most beautiful in all the building and describing it's beauty would be an understatement. And surprisingly, no one was there only the two of them which could only mean one thing; Fawwad reserved the place for them.

She was still admiring the place when his voice came through.

"Shall we?" He said and she followed him.

A few minutes of silence after they'd gotten seated, a waiter walked in with the menu. He handed it over to them and they placed their orders before he left.

"How do you like the place?" He asked after the waiter left.

"It's beautiful... I love it" she smiled "but it wasn't really necessary reserving the whole place" she added.

"I'm glad you love it" he simply replied ignoring her last statement.

"Have you forgiven me?" He asked out of the blue after some minutes of silence.

His words shocked her because that was the last thing she wants to hear from him at that time. Her heart suddenly picked its pace and she seemed to have lost her voice in the process. When she looked up at him, his eyes showed it all. There were mixed emotions of guiltiness and regret.

Just then, the waiter walked back with their order. She internally let out a sigh of relief even though it only lasted for a few seconds before he spoke again after the waiter had left.

"I know that I have terribly messed up, I had wronged you for quite a long time. I made you to live in misery and hardship" he sighed before he continued looking straight into her eyes. "at some point, I used to think you will become immune to how I used to treat you and just retaliate so we can just get separated because that was the only thing I wished for in the past; to just be free and leave alone" his last words made her to quickly looked up at him.

" wanted a divorce all along?" She asked surprised. She knew Fawwad doesn't love her and he wasn't happy about the marriage but never in her wildest dreams did she think he wanted a divorce. She thought he would stay in the marriage even if it's just for the sake of his parents like she was doing but no, she was greatly mistaken. She didn't know how or when but she felt tears falling from her eyes. She didn't make any attempt to wipe them as she let them fall freely.

"What?...why are you crying" he panicked as he quickly held her hands "have I said anything wrong?" He mentally facepalmed himself after recalling his last statement. He smiled and squeezed her hands before he said "when I said I wanted to be free, it was something I wanted in the past. But...I know the most terrible mistake I would've made in my whole life was letting such a beautiful soul go" when he looked up, she was looking straight at him with her eyes still teary but he continued.

"Yes, I mean it. Please don't ever leave my side. I need you in my life. complete my deen Walija. And when I said I love you, it wasn't out of pity. It was something straight out of my heart which I failed to tell you a long time ago" his statement made her felt numb for some seconds.

Ever since he told her he loves her after the accident, she had been wondering whether it was out of pity or it was real. But today, he answered her thoughts and from the way he said it, she knew he was for real. She internally thanked her Lord for finally answering her prayers.

"Please forgive me" he whispered more to himself but she heard him.

"I have forgiven you Fawwad for everything" she let out a sigh before she continued "besides, we all are sinners but Allah the most forgiven forgives us. Then who are we not to forgive our fellow mankind. All shall be put in the past" she smiled with her head ducked low because she doesn't want to make eye contact with him.

"And this is the reason I never want to let you go. You surely have a soft heart. Thank you very much and I promise to make up for all the bad times. I will do whatever it takes to make you happy" he said smiling, admiring the way she was feeling shy and avoiding his eye contact.

By the time he finished, she was already blushing and he knew she wouldn't say anything. He pulled her hands closer to him and kissed her knuckles before he whispered "I love you Walija" and he let her hands go.

He didn't look at her because he knew she was shy. He opened her platter before he opened his. They picked their cutleries and started eating in a pin drop silence.


It's been a while and the chapter is a bit too short. I'm sorry for that and insha Allah I'll make it up to you.

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