Chapter Sixteen

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Walija was done setting the dining table when Fawwad walked in back from work. She was still contemplating whether it's a good idea to confront him about Salina. But then, his parents had confided in her and she can't just betray them after they have full hope in her. She never thought it'll be this hard. It won't do her good but she was ready to face whatever hardship that has to come after.

He walked in without even sparing her a glance. She ignored him too and continued with what she's doing. He went upstairs probably to freshen up and she just sat there in the sitting room waiting for him.

A few minutes later, he came down and sat on the dining table. She patiently waited for him to finish and she was lucky enough he came to the sitting room when he was done. He was just using his phone and totally ignoring her presence.

"How was work" she decided to initiate the convo because if it was left to him, that's how they would end the day without talking to each other.

"Fine" he answered almost like talking to himself. One thing about him, he might not talk to her but he can't ignore her when she talks to him.

The room was silent again before she finally spoke again.

"Can I ask you something?" She could feel her heartbeat going wild. She knew what will come next but she has to do it.

"What's it?" He furrowed his brows

It's now or never Walija

"Why did you choose to make your life like this?"

Oh come on, that's the lamest question to start with.

She mentally face palmed herself and waited for the worst.

"What?" he asked to make sure he heard her right.

"I mean...why do you drink? Don't you know it's... haram?"

"And when did things I do with my life became a subject of concern to you?" his voice was surprisingly calm but not until she said

"Is it because of Salina?"

"What!?" He abruptly got on his feet "How did you know about her? Do you stalk me?" He raged which made her shift out of fear. She has seen him angry many times but today it was something else.

"And that's none of your business" she found herself saying. For some odd reason, she became fearless.

"Wherever you heard about her, I don't freaking care, but let me make one thing clear to you; don't you ever talk about her again and I'm damn serious!"

"Is it because you loved her...and there was nothing you could do to have her?" She blurted out

He raised his hand to slap her but she held his hand just in time "don't you dare try it again, even in your wildest dreams Fawwad!" She said in between gritted teeth. She doesn't know what has gotten into her but she was happy to stand up for herself even though she was shaking with fear deep down.

"She's the only woman that I'll ever love!" he snatched his hand which made her flinch before he left. She heard the loud bang on his door and she knew she has gone too far.

She felt bad because that was totally not the way she should've done it and now she'd messed up everything.

I won't give up easily.

She packed the plates from the dining he previously used and went to the kitchen. After she was done cleaning, she decided to phone her mother.

They talked for some time and she also got to speak with her father too. Muhseen and Mubeen were at school, so they didn't get to speak. After talking with her family, she felt much better.

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