Chapter Thirty

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Two weeks passed and Walija was recovering just fine. They had gone back to the hospital after two weeks as instructed by the doctor. Her arm healed properly and the cast was removed. She was just given some antibiotics and advised to be more careful on the arm for the meantime.

She had been in the mansion for over a month and today, she was set to go back to her husband's house. She had fully recovered and from the way Fawwad kept visiting them all the time, Mami decided to take his wife back to him since it was her idea from the very beginning.

Walija had just finished packing her luggage with the help of Hafsat and now, she was just waiting for Fawwad to show up. Mami wanted to send the driver to take her along with Hafsat and Maya to escort her but Fawwad declined that saying he'll come to pick her up himself. He chose to pick her after Magrib prayer cause it'll be late for Hafsat and Maya to follow them.

Immediately after Magrib prayer, he arrived at the mansion. When he entered the sitting room, no one was there. He knew they all went up to pray so he went straight to Mami's room.

Just as he thought, Mami had just finished praying and was folding her hijab when he entered the room with a salam.

"So, when you said after Magrib, you were really serious about it" Mami said as she placed her hijab on top of the praying mat.

"You know I don't joke with my time...I love being punctual" he chuckled.

"Come on shut up. Children of nowadays don't have shame"

"Mami, you know that I have shame" he protested.

"You can say that again" she said as she sat on the bed while he sat on the floor beside her.

She internally thanked God once again even though that's what she has and had always been doing ever since their son changed.

"You should see your father before you leave" she said after some minutes of the silence.


"Yes Fawwad, you have to make things right with your father too. Both of you need that and I can see how each one of you needed one another. Your father needs you Fawwad"

From the way she spoke, he knew his mother was serious and the issue between him and his father was disturbing her beyond measure. What made him believe that even more was the fact that she addressed him with his name which is something she rarely does. She always addresses him as 'my son' and when she calls him by his name, he knew not to joke with whatever she has to say.

"But Mami..." And she cut him off.

"No buts please, he's probably back from the Masjid(mosque)...he must be in his parlor"

"Okay," he let out a defeated a sigh and got on his feet.

Not that he doesn't want to set things right with his father but there were fear and guilt that had been eating him up for the past years. He knew he had cost his parents too much pain after all the support they'd given him. And that made him believe that his father will never accept him like before.

He was deep in thoughts when his mother's voice pulled him out "don't be afraid...he will accept his only son" she smiled.

Did I say all that out loud? He asked himself because his mother just answered his thoughts.

He just smiled and left the room to his father's parlor.


"Assalamu alaikum" he said in a soft voice as he entered the parlor.

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