Chapter Thirty-Seven

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It's been a week since Fawwad and Walija have reconciled and things have been going on smoothly and their love for each other have been growing gradually.

Walija had just finished dressing up as they were going to her parent's house. Her parents had returned for holidays the previous week whereas Neimat had arrived the previous day. So, they decided to go and see them.

Fawwad was already waiting for her when she got down to the living room.

"Shall we?" Her voice came through gaining Fawwad's attention.

"Masha Allah. You look so stunning" he said as he moved towards her.

She was wearing a yellow peplum blouse with a green straight skirt. She wore a black kimono over it with a matching veil. Her scent was girly and sweet.

"Why not we stay back" he said when he was close enough.

"Stay back?"

"Yes, I just want to sit and look at you"

"Ohh God!" She laughed as she lightly smacked his shoulder "You can never get tired of pulling my legs right?"

"Hey! I wasn't, I'm damn serious"

"Come, let me tell you something" he came closer and she whispered something into his ears which made him smile.


They reached the house in less than thirty minutes. When they knocked, Muhseen opened the door. When he saw his sister, he instantly jumped on her hugging her so tight. He took her unaware and the effect made her to almost fell down if not for Fawwad that quickly held her wrapping his arms around her waist.

They were still in that position oblivious to them that Neimat had arrived at the scene. It was when she cleared her throat that they noticed her presence.

"So your house is not enough for you. I will call Umma to come and see what you two are doing in her house" she teased them laughing.

Fawwad ducked his head low scratching his nape while Walija pretended as if nothing happened and went over and hugged her muttering "I miss you too sister" in her ears.

"Good afternoon ya Neimat" Fawwad greeted.

"Afternoon to you too my dear brother-in-law" she smiled "hope my little sister isn't giving you any headaches" she teased.

"No, not at all" he smiled.

"Good afternoon ya Fawwad and ya Walija" Muhseen greeted trying to gain back their attention which made them all laugh.

"See how my little boy has grown taller and of course stronger" Walija said while pulling his cheeks "you almost made me fall" she laughed.

"But your superman was fast enough to stop that from happening" Neimat said laughing and she knew they all felt embarrassed even though Walija tried so hard to hide it but it was obvious.

"Where's your twin?" Walija said trying to change the topic. But she clearly knew that wasn't the end for Neimat as she had found what to tease her with for the whole day.

"He's inside"

"Alright, let's all go inside" Walija said and they moved into the house.

Mubeen and Bushrah were seated watching TV when they walked in. They all rushed to Walija hugging her.

"Ya Walija! I've missed you so so much" Mubeen said excitedly before he turned to Fawwad"good afternoon ya Fawwad"

"Afternoon Mubeen, how are you?" Fawwad asked smiling.

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