Chapter Eighteen

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"Fuck them all!" He yelled as he threw the bottle of brandy to the wall. The shattered pieces scattered all over the room's floor.

And just like how the glass was scattered, that's how his life was shattered into million pieces. His heart was broken beyond repair. Just when he thought he was finally moving on from his severe heartbreak. They brought back everything back to him like it happened just yesterday. He could still vividly recalled the last meeting he had with her. Her last words still reechoed in his ears.

"I am really sorry Fawwad but our relationship can't blossom the way we had planned it" she'd gruffed

"But I can't live without you. You complete me Salina" he'd stuttered. There were fear and anxiety in his eyes.

"I'm sorry my love, but it's'll forever remain heart" she finished with tears streaming freely down her cheeks. she didn't wait to hear anything from him because she was afraid of seeing him breakdown in front of her. When she turned, she never looked back.

"Arrg!!" He shrieked while pulling his hair as if it'll remove the bitter memories out of his head. As much as he doesn't want to remember it, it kept flashing back to his head. And now when everything was finally falling back in place, Mami just has to ruin everything by telling Walija.

As much as he doesn't want to agree that Walija is a good person, he has to admit that she's too good for words. Sometimes, he used to wonder how can someone be so patient and kind. He made her suffer, he made her life miserable even when she has nothing to do with his bitter past. But all the while, she chose to stay with him.

Whenever he wanted to start being nice to her, it's like there was a strong magnet between them that was always pulling him back. Hussein tried talking to him about it, but he always shut him up.

Through the past few months of their marriage with Walija, she had done nothing but showed concern toward him, but he was always cold towards her. But this time around, she has really messed up. She has gone way too far.

After everything that happened, he just wanted to be alone, so he decided to spend the night at his private bungalow which only Hussein knew about. He knew Walija would be worried when he doesn't show up at night but he doesn't care, after all, it's all her fault.

He didn't know when he dozed off on the couch when the shrilling sound of his phone woke him up, just when he was enjoying his peaceful slumber. It was really annoying and he blamed himself because he forgot to switch it off. He grabbed the phone with his eyes still shut and placed it on his ears.

"Yes, what's it?" He groaned.

"What!?" He vigorously sat up with his eyes widely opened.

"Innalillahi wa Inna ilaihi rajiun" was the only thing he could say before the phone slipped off his hand.

He abruptly got into the bathroom and freshened up. He took his car keys and left to his destination.


City hospital

He didn't know where else to go when he reached the hospital, so he called the number that called him earlier. He was told where to go and he rushed there. There in the hospital corridor, he met the man that called him.

"You must be Mr. Fawwad, right?" the man asked

"Yes, I'm the one"

"Okay, my name is constable Ahmad"


"As I've told you earlier, we came across an accident scene last night and when we checked one of the victim's phone you were the last person that was called"

"I can't remember receiving any call last night"

"The call wasn't received, but your number was dialed several times"

His phone was in the sitting room the other night while he was in the bedroom. He heard it when it rang, but he was too stewed to go and get it. That was how he had slept and left it ringing non-stop.

"Who was it constable?" He curiously asked.

"That's why we called you here so you can identify the owner"

"Okay..." and his heart skipped a beat. He was really scared because he doesn't know who he was going to meet.

"But we can't see them now as they are still in the emergency room. Come with me... I'll show you the phone"

He followed him as they walked to the parking lot. He opened his car and brought out a phone and handed it over to him.

"Do you know the owner?" He asked him.

He was really shocked and confused at the same time when he saw Walija's phone. He collected it and went through the call log. He saw that his number was dialed times without number.

"It''s Walija's phone" he stuttered.

"And who is Walija?"

"She' she's....actually..."

"Can you tell me who she is please?" He asked again.

"My wife" he whispered. It sounded foreign to his mouth as it was the first time he has ever addressed her as his wife ever since they got married.

"Mr. Fawwad, if I may ask... What was your wife doing at that hour of the night driving all alone? don't you know it's dangerous?"

He suddenly became wordless because he also doesn't have an answer to that question. He also needed an answer because he was just as curious as the constable at the moment.

"Mr. Fawwad, you know you're a well-respected personage in this city. Do you have any idea how such a case can affect you or your father?"

"I know, but it's..."

"Sir, the doctor wants to see you" a petite nurse interrupted their conversation.

"Alright" he turned to Fawwad "let's go"


They met the doctor in his office going through some files but immediately stopped when they walked in and asked them to sit. He removed his specs and began...

"Okay, I guess you know one of the victims, right?" He asked and Fawwad just nodded

"The case is really sensitive. The accident was really bad because they were severely injured which was really hard to handle" he paused before he continued "One of the victims is in an exigent condition at the moment and is still under careful observation as the body is still unconscious" he took a deep breath then continued "unfortunately, I'm very sorry to say but we couldn't save one of them. I'm really sorry"

"Innalillahi wa Inna ilaihi rajiun" was the only thing he kept muttering. Sweat was dripping from his forehead. His heart was beating erratically. He felt numb and weak. Everything just froze, he couldn't even make up what was going on for a second before it hit him.

Is she really dead?

He asked himself before he felt a single tear dropped from his eye.

Innalillahi wa Inna ilaihi rajiun


I'm already crying😭😭😭

Is she really dead?😳😢

I'm too sad to write😢😢 let's just meet in the next chapter😟😖

Your votes and comments matters😿


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