Chapter Fourty

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Walija woke up to an envelope carefully tucked in beside her in the morning. She could swear it wasn't there the previous night. She turned to the other side and Fawwad was no where to be seen.

It was a weekend and she knew Fawwad was at home. He was the type of man that spends his weekends at home. She curiously picked it and inhaled it first.

Wait, who even inhales envelopes? How silly.

She mentally face-palmed herself for her silliness. She took in a deep breath before she sighed and opened it slowly. She emptied the content and she just found a folded paper inside.

Her heart skipped a beat because the first thing that came to her mind was a divorce. But a divorce for what? Because she clearly knew nothing occurred between them the previous night.

She slowly unfolded the paper and started reading it. After reading it, she squealed excitedly. Just then Fawwad walked in with a tray of breakfast and kept it on the coffee table. She abruptly rushed up to him and hugged him so tight that he almost fell.

"What have you been eaten lately?" He gasped when she loosened her grip on him.

"Your love Mister" she rolled her eyes before she continued "and was this even necessary?" She grinned as she showed him the paper.

"From the way you reacted, yes...yes babe it was necessary" he smiled.

"Oh my Allah! I can't even express how happy I am babe?"

"You don't have to. I know you are" he smiled "and by the way, do you like my choice?" He added.

"Oh God! I don't like it, I love it hun!" she stated before she kissed his cheeks. "Malta has always been my dream vocation and going there with you will be the best memory to forever cherish" she said sincerely.

"Oh no babe, we're not just going there for vacation. We are going there for our honeymoon" he said as he took her hand to the coffee table.

"Oh my God! Please be serious Fawwad" she laughed "who goes to honeymoon after eleven months of marriage? Our anniversary is next month remember"

"Let it start with us then. And I want us to celebrate our anniversary there. Just me and you or what do you think?"

"I'm loving it already!" She beamed.

"I'm glad then" he smiled.

"Could this day get any better?" she said excitedly when he opened the breakfast he brought for her.

He just smiled and said "go and brush first, let's eat"

"Okay" and she got into the bathroom.

"After five minutes she came out. They ate while they talked about random stuff enjoying each others company.

"When are we leaving?" Walija asked when they were done eating.

"In a week time" he simply replied.

"In a week?" She quoted surprised.

"Yes, what's wrong with that?"

"I haven't prepared anything" she whined.

"What's there to prepare? Just pack a little clothes. That's all"

"Okay" and she pouted.

He smiled and pulled her closer to him "you look cute when you do that"

"Fawwaaad!!" She whined as she slightly hit his chest.

"Ouch! It hurts babe" he feigned hurt.

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