Chapter Thirty-Four

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When Walija got up to her room, she decided to speak with Neimat. It has been long they spoken and she doesn't want to think over what happened. She has already prayed and she knew his intentions were clear so, she doesn't want to think anything. She chose to accept it like that.

"Assalamu alaiki sister" she said immediately Neimat picked the call.

"Wa alaiki salam lil sis" she teased.

"Oh come on ya Neimat, do you still have to call me by that?" She whined.

"Okay, tell me you've gotten married" she laughed because she clearly knew Walija doesn't like the name but she chose to call like that whenever she wants to pull her legs. "I'll still call you like that in front of your own kids too" she laughed.

"I guess I didn't call you just so you can tease me"

"Oh God" she laughed "now because I'm talking about children, that means I'm teasing" she laughed hard again cause she never got tired of being amused by her sister "I'm sorry" she said in between laughter but when she didn't get a reply, she knew she has to stop "I'm so sorry my dear sister" she pleaded.

"'s my Bushrah?"

"She's in the parlor with her father"

"My regards to both of them please" she smiled as her sister could see her.

She had always adored how her sister is living with her husband so peacefully with their cute daughter like she was the one that planned how her life in her house would be. But no, Allah the Almighty planned it for her. And even for Walija, things are finally fallen back into place.

It was a test from God and He chose however He wants to test His servants. That's how she was tested she assumed and she still hoped and prayed she had passed it.

"Insha Allah but you'll soon see them both"

"Oh no, you're not serious. Wait, are you serious please?" She exclaimed excitedly.

"You said I'm not"

"Please be serious ya Neimat. I'm eager to see my baby"

"Then, you're seeing her soon and me and Elkarib too. Even though you're not eager to see us" she teased.

"How soon?" She asked ignoring what her sister just said.

"Month-end insha Allah. By then, Bushra's school have closed for Summer break"

"Wow! You're going to spend your summer holiday here?" She asked rhetorically.

"Obviously we are" she answered excitedly. "It's going to be so much fun and guess?"

"Tell me, please. You know I sucked at guessing" she answered eagerly.

"Mom and dad too will be coming back for the holiday"

"Oh God" squealed "can I say this is the best thing I've heard throughout the day?" She said with her voice filled with enthusiasm.

Just when the words left her mouth, she recalled what happened between her and Fawwad and she knew she was lying when she told her sister that was the best thing she had heard throughout out. She was so excited that she was finally going to see her family but Fawwad's words and actions are something else. They made her relieved that she had finally fulfilled her duty as a good wife and daughter that her father has trusted her to be.

She knew the sudden change would bring joy to both the families and that was what's more important to her. She didn't fail her family and had fulfilled the promise she had taken for Fawwad's parents. She knew they would be proud of her that she had finally brought a smile to their faces.

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