Chapter Thirty-Nine

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It was quarter after four and Fawwad had been knocking on Walija's door for almost an hour which she turned deaf ear to. He was on the verge of giving up when he heard the keys turned. He turned the doorknob and the door swung opened. He found her just seated on the bed doing nothing. He moved to where she sat and sat beside her.

"Are you mad at me?" He asked her and she nodded in the affirmative which made him smile but he made sure she didn't see that.

"I'm so so sorry babe. I never intended to make you angry and I guess I chose the wrong words" he sighed before he continued "I took a promise upon myself to always make you happy but today seeing how you reacted, I felt like I've terribly failed to keep to my words"

She sighed before she said "I'm sorry too. I also overreacted but seriously it hurts to-..." She started but he cut her off midway by placing his finger on her lips.

"Please don't say it, babe. I'm sorry"

And after that, they stayed in total silence before she spoke more like a whisper.

"I was out to look for you" she sighed before she continued "I used to stay up all night just so I could open the door for you when you come back. But on that fateful night, you didn't show up" she finished with her eyes becoming teary but she continued "then, I became so worried that I decided to go out and look for you even though I didn't know where I was going" when she finished, a lone tear escaped her eyes.

Immediately Fawwad saw that he became worried and quickly cupped her face in his hands using his thumb to wipe away her tears. She opened her mouth to speak again but he shook his head 'no' indicating for her to stop. He hugged her whispering soothing words in her ears and it did work cause she felt a lot better.

"Now, get up and get ready. You know you can't miss Hussein's get together" he said while he stood up. She smiled and nodded before she got up too. When he was at the door, he turned and said "and I've stopped drinking because of you" and he didn't wait for her reply before he left.

She just smiled and muttered 'Alhamdulillah'. She still couldn't believe she was living with Fawwad happily because never in her wildest dreams did she phantom a day like that to come. But yet still nothing is beyond the power of the Almighty.

She got into the bathroom and took a bath. After applying her body cream, she dressed up. She wore a pink straight gown with a black headgear. Her shoes, bag, and veil were all black. She applied light makeup before she sprayed her perfume and went to check up on Fawwad.

When she entered the room, he was already dressed and was putting on his cufflinks. He was dressed in a sky blue kaftan with a matching brown cap that has a touch of blue in it. He wore his shoes and sprayed his perfume before he turned to her.

"Could It be egocentricity if I say you're the most beautiful woman I've ever seen?" He rhetorically asked moving closer to her.

"Have I ever told you you're handsome?" She returned his question with a question.

"No you didn't" he feigned hurt.

"You are so Masha Allah babe and I'm just one lucky woman to have you" she smiled and smooched his cheeks and he also did the same which made them to start laughing. He brought out his phone just in time and captured her beautiful smile.

"Hey!! What was that for?" She whined trying to snatch the phone from him.

"I need a new wallpaper" he drew her closer to him and said "now smile" and he took a selfie of them.


They arrived at Hussein's parents' house as that was where the event will take place. The house was filled to the brim with family and friends and of course the good wishers.

Fawwad moved to the men's side whereas Walija entered into the house. Immediately Hajiya Kaltuum; Hussein's mother spotted her, she called upon her. She went over and greeted her.

"Walija my daughter, you are welcome. I'm glad you made it" she smiled taking her into a side hug.

"Thank you Mama" she smiled.

Hajiya Kaltuum; Mama is a very loving woman. She's free and easy going with everyone. The love she has for Fawwad was almost if not the same with that she has for Hussein. To her, they are both her son's and she loves them equally. It was the love she has for Fawwad that she's showing to Walija. And she used to call her her own daughter since she doesn't have one as Hussein is her only child.

"Let's get you something to eat" Mama said to her.

"No, I'm not hungry for now. Maybe later" she said politely.

"Alright but you should drink something"

"Mama I-" she started but Mama cut her off.

"No, I insist please"

"Okay, Mama" she smiled.

"That's more like it. Let me call Simrah so you could go and join the ladies"


Simrah is Hussein's cousin who's married with a child. Mama called her and she took Walija with her to the ladies side.

The event progressed well and it was almost coming to an end. After Magrib, the wankin ango (groom's shower) took place. Soon after, cars were sent to the bride's house for the conveyance of the bride.

After isha, the bride was conveyed to Hussein's house. After everyone left, it was only Fawwad and Walija that remained. They prayed to Allah to bless their marriage and make it among the best.

"Thank you very much for everything Fawwad. You've really shown me how a true brother you are" Hussein thanked his friend.

Meriam was just seated with her veil still covering her face and was silent throughout.

"You don't have to thank me and besides what are true friends for" he smiled.

"Yeah" he smiled before he turned to Walija "we are really grateful for your support our wife" he said teasing Fawwad.

"Oh come on brother. She isn't 'our wife', she's 'my wife'" he laughed and pulled her closer to him.

"And I thank God my bachelor's days are over if not, you two can make someone run mad" he also laughed looking at his wife through her veil.

"I guess we should get going" Walija said laughing "it's getting late already" she added.

"May Allah bless your union" Fawwad said.

"Amin. Thank you"

"May yours be among the best" Walija said as she hugged Meriam.

"Thank you much sis" Meriam said to Walija.

And that was how they left leaving the newlyweds together.

When they got to their house, it was already past twelve. They were all tired so, they went straight to bed.

"Hussein is so lucky to have Meriam" Walija said when they were lying down ready to sleep.

"It was worth the wait then"


"They courted for almost five years"

"Wow! That's a lot of time"

"Yea it was...but most importantly they ended up together"

"Yeah" she smiled.

After that, they said goodnight to each other before they prayed and turned in for the night.


And there we go, done with another chapter😄

And for those thinking Fawwad and Walija are fighting again, they are not. They were just having a normal misunderstanding which is common in every relationship😊

Hussein and Meriam are finally together💃💃

Your votes and comments matters😿


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