Chapter Twenty-Five

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The room was suddenly quite and none of them uttered a word. Walija knew that she was supposed to say something but then, she was speechless. For some odd reason, she became numb and seemed to have lost her voice in the process. Just then, her phone started ringing and she couldn't thank the caller enough for saving her. Seeing the name that appeared on the screen made her smile internally.

Noor is actually a lifesaver.

"Assalamu Alaikum" she said softly after finding her voice. "Much better, Alhamdulillah... No silly" and she chuckled. ''I'm at Mami's, alright bye"

After she was done with the phone call, she turned to Fawwad who was curiously looking at her and she knew what that look was for.

"Uhm... It's Noor, she called to ask of my health"

"That's kind of her"

"Yeah" and from there, she lost her voice again.

The room was awkwardly silent again and after some few minutes, Fawwad realized that she wasn't going to say anything, so he decided to let her rest. He knew that it was a lot to take in all at once.

"Let me leave you to rest" and without waiting for any response from her, he stood up and walked to the door. Just when he was about to go out, he turned and said "Good night" and he just left.

She was really shocked by his behaviour that night. First, he asked for forgiveness. Even though he had asked for her forgiveness when he slapped her twice but that night, it was different. She could see the sincerity and contriteness in his eyes.

Second, he said 'goodnight' to her which is something he had never said to her ever since they got married.

She was still in awe and trying to understand what just happened when she heard the adzaan to Isha prayer.

She walked to the bathroom and after some minutes, she was out and has performed ablution. She sprayed the praying mat and slid into her long hijab. She prayed and prolonged her last sujood pouring out her heart to the Almighty. She prayed for the best out of it.

When she finished praying, it was already a quarter to nine. She knew Mami will call her any moment for dinner, so she got down to the sitting room herself. When she got down, no one was in the sitting room, so she decided to check the kitchen because Mami usually makes the food while the maid just helps her.

According to Mami; 'A wife is never too busy to cook for her husband' and that should explain the reason why she was always found in the kitchen preparing food for her husband. And she guessed right as she found Mami in the kitchen.

"Good evening Mami" she greeted.

"Evening my dear, how are you?"

" there anything I could help with?" She asked.

"Don't stress yourself here Walija. Remember you're here to rest for a few days and I want you to do just that while your arm heals properly. And besides we're done, just rounding up" Mami warmly answered her daughter-in-law while she was pouring the fresh orange and lemon juice into a glass pitcher.

Fresh orange and lemon juice was Abby's favourite beverage and it was easy to notice because it was made every day in the mansion.

Walija just sat on the stool near the kitchen island as they finished rounding up the dishes. She was only allowed to put the ice cubes into the juice which she insisted on because she felt awkward watching her mother-in-law work while she just sat doing nothing. After everything was done, she and Mami left, leaving the maid to set up the table.

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