Chapter Fourteen

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Fawwad was in his office going through some files when his phone started ringing. He didn't pick it as he was really busy. But immediately it stopped, it started ringing again. When he checked it, it was an unknown number. He hissed and continued his work. But not until it started ringing for the third time. He furiously dropped his pen and picked.

"Who's this?" He sounded annoyed.

"I thought you won't pick" the voice giggled.

"I said who is this?" He said, this time with full authority.

"How can you forget such a sweet voice so fast?" She sounded hurt.

"You're not ready to talk" and before she could utter anything, he hung up.

He continued with what he's doing but not for a long time before his phone started disturbing him once again.

Immediately he picked she said "I can see that you have anger issues but let me warn you; never hang up on me again!" She sounded more serious.

"Who are you to warn me? Are you out of your senses? Perhaps you don't know who you're speaking with!" He scolded.

"I know who I'm speaking to or am I not speaking to Fawwad Ibrahim Sufyan?"


"Surprised huh? Well don't be because I'll elaborate everything to you now"

"Go on"

"Someone suddenly gained interest in talking to me" she teased. When he didn't say anything, she let out a sigh before she continued. "Let me put it this way...well, when you were busy abusing me and calling me stupid kinda dropped something important to you"

"What are you talking about? Don't play with my sense!"

"I'm not yet playing with it, that'll come later. But just know that your identity card is with me"

"What!" He furiously banged his table. How could he be so careless with such documents. "Damn it" he said under his breath but she heard him.

"You are lucky it came to me" she chuckled.

"Just give it back to me...let's meet at that place; Apple Boulevard" his voice was surprisingly calm.

"Whoa whoa...not so fast lion"

"Don't ever call me that again" he said in between gritted teeth

"Fine, Mr. Fawwad" she teased emphasizing the Mr.

"What do you want?"

"Nothing much...just accept my previous offer, that's all" she said with carefree attitude.

"Never going to happen!"

"Well then, I guess we have to do it my way. And just know that I'm a very cunning woman; I always get what I want!" she let out an evil laugh and continued. "I happened to have a friend who is a notorious fraudster and with your identity card, we can open a credit card account, and then charge purchases to that account, or enter into a loan agreement all in your name and nothing you can do about it.

"You will do no such thing!"

"Oh yes I will and by the time I'm done, I'll take all the loot and leave the country, leaving you behind bankrupt with nothing to pay back your debts!... I will ruin you and the business that you and you're father have worked so hard in building" She laughed, then continued "it will be a piece of steaming news to the journalist; The famous business tycoon bankrupted!" She laughed.

"Just stop!" He fumed and she could sense the uneasiness in his voice.

"I know it's a lot to take in all at once, so I'll leave you to think over it...and don't call this line, it won't go through. I'll call you" with that she hung up.

"Damn it!" He threw the phone on his table. He is already going through a lot and now this. He stood up and furiously threw the flower vase that's on his table to the wall. Immediately, the glass shattered, his PA walked in worried.

"Sir is everything okay"

"Just leave!" His thunderous voice came.

"Sorry sir" she immediately left in fear.

He breathed several times as his heart kept beating erratically. When he was finally calmed, he poured some coffee beans in the coffee maker and made himself a cup of steaming coffee.


"You do know that we're flying tomorrow, right?" Walija was speaking to her mother over the phone.

"Yes Umma, we'll be there insha Allah"

They conversed for some time before the call was ended.

She was still in the sitting room when Fawwad barged in. He carelessly threw his coat on the couch and flopped down.

"Ever heard of the significance of saying a salam while entering your house?"

"Don't fucking tell me what to do!!!" He bellowed and he stood up to leave.

"If you turn to Allah, all your problems will be solved" she said softly and she was pretty sure he heard her before he left.

What's up with him?

She knew that something must be wrong because the normal Fawwad she knew wouldn't just leave without saying anything back. She shrugged off the thought because she knew that whatever it is, he won't let her know, so why to stress herself.


Early in the morning they got ready and headed to the airport. She was surprised when she came down to the dining area and saw Fawwad dressed in casuals. That could only mean one thing; he's not going to work today because he always dresses to work formally in his suits.

When he was fade up with the questioning looks she was sending him, he'd looked at with her with a raised brow.

"If you don't eat now, we'll be late and you won't get to see them" he had said and she quickly lowered her head and ate as she felt a little embarrassed.

They reached the airport in time and surprisingly Fawwad's parents were also there. Immediately the twins saw her, they rushed to her hugging her tightly.

After the exchange of greetings, they got seated with the twins clutched to Walija all the while.

They just sat there discussing random stuff before an announcement came through.

"The next flight is to take off in twenty minutes. All passengers should get ready and board the plane, please. Thank you"

They said their goodbyes which left Walija in tears knowing that she'll miss her family so much. It was really hard seeing them off, it felt like she's all left alone by herself. The twins also cried but she promised to face time them often.

Mami did try very hard to stop her from crying when they were finally out of sight, but all went in vain. She was not only crying because her family is leaving but she was also crying for the life that she's living with Fawwad.

All that happened, Fawwad was just standing there looking at her without uttering a word.

Mami wanted to go with Walija to her house but Fawwad refused saying that he'll take her some other time. For the first time, he was being considerate towards her because she too herself needed to be alone. They left the airport after promising Mami they'll visit them soon.


"You really love your Family" Fawwad said when they were driving back home.

"They're all I could ever wish for" he didn't say a word after that and they drove silently back home.


Fawwad is in a big-time mess😪 who feels sorry for him?

Who's your favorite character, I need to know😂😂

Fawwad or Walija

Your votes and comments matters😿


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