Chapter Twenty-Four

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Two days passed and Walija was recovering just fine and today she was discharged from the hospital but she's still on drugs.

"Your appointment is next week Friday" the doctor told Fawwad while he was seated in his office for her discharge.


"She should take her drugs on time and make sure she doesn't carry anything with the injured hand" the doctor advised.

"Okay...insha Allah"

"Okay...I think that's all for now" he closed the file and got on his feet "may Allah grant her shifaa"

"Thank you doctor"


After the discharge, Mami insisted Walija should stay with them at least for a few days to regain her strength before going back to her home.

"I have to rush somewhere now, but insha Allah I'll come back after Magrib prayer" Fawwad told her when he dropped her at his parent's mansion before he left.

She just nodded and smiled still confused about her husband's sudden change of behaviour.

When they got into the house, Hafsat and Maya were at school so Mami instructed the maid to take her to the room given to her.

She sat on the bed thinking about everything that happened for the past few days and she realized that a lot has happened. But what baffles her more was Fawwad's sudden change towards her.

Did he really change? or is it out of pity and guiltiness? She shoved away the feeling hoping it isn't the latter.

If there was anything she wanted at the moment, was Fawwad changing back to a better person and she wants to be the reason for that. Even though she stills feels bad because he only cared about her when she was in pain, nevertheless she was still glad of the improvement and she prayed it stays like that.

Mami coming into the room was what brought her out of her little trance.

"My dear, how are you feeling?" Mami asked placing her hands on her shoulders.

"Much better Mami, just that I still feel weak"

"And your arm...does it still hurts?"

"Yes...but not severely"

"Don't worry my dear, you'll regain your strength and your arm will heal in no time insha Allah. Now, you should get ready and have a warm shower then come down. I've prepared a vegetable soup for you"

"Thank you, Mami"

"I'm your mother. You don't have to thank me" and with that, she left the room leaving behind a delighted Walija.

Mami reminds her of her mother. She's kind-hearted and generous. She never seizes the opportunity to make her feel wanted. She knew that even if it was her mother that was around during that time, that's the kind of care she'll receive from her.

Thinking about her mother made her realize how much she'd missed her family. She had only spoken to them once when she was still on the hospital bed. She remembered how Mubeen and Muhseen wanted to cry just by seeing her in that state. She was the patient but they switched it, making her console them throughout the face time. She has also spoken to Neimat and her husband while she was in the hospital.

Her stay in the hospital made her realize how much her family loved her. Everyone was trying his very best to make her feel better and Fawwad and his family too weren't an exception. Indeed she was surrounded by her loved one's.

After a long refreshing shower, she wore a simple gown and slid into her long hijab to pray Asr prayer. She felt much better and thanked Allah the Almighty for his endless blessings and how things were finally getting into place. She just hoped that it will last forever.

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