Chapter Twenty-Nine

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Fawwad checked his wrist watch for the umpteenth time before he hissed.

"I can't believe I'm doing this...and the bitch got the guts to keep me waiting" he said to Hussein.

They were seated in Fawwad's private bungalow two day's after their visit to see Walija. Fawwad received a call from the bitch (as they called her) and she had chosen that day for them to meet up.

Immediately after Fawwad finished talking to her, he informed Hussein and now they were seated waiting for her to show up.

"Oh come on Fawwad! It's just nine fourteen....she's fourteen minutes late for God's sake"

"I don't have the whole night to wait for her"

"Perhaps... She's busy making herself up for you" he teased.

"Can you just please shut up"

"That's the fact" he said laughing and Fawwad shot him a deadly glare.

They were still busy arguing when the doorbell chimed.

"Go get the door...I'll is in the bedroom" Hussein whispered.

"Whatever" he rolled his eyes before he went to get the door.

Just as Hussein thought, she was caked with too much makeup. She wore a simple fitted straight gown and rolled a small veil over her head.

"Can you just get in and stop ogling at me?" he said to her.

"Don't mind me if I get lost in..." She couldn't finish what she was about to say when he cut her off.

"Will you just shut the fuck up!" He snapped.

"Wow...I can see that you didn't change" she frowned and walked into the house.

"Where's my card?" He asked while he sat opposite her.

"That's not what we've agreed on" she said.

"Can you just shut your filthy mouth up and give me the damn card" his thunderous voice made her shiver out of fear.

"What are you talking about...let's just do what we are here for" she said in a nonchalant voice as she stood up and walked towards him "after'll get your card" she finished chuckling as she sat beside him. But she immediately stopped when she felt a sharp fierce pain on her cheeks. She felt the pain before she heard the sound.

"Did you just..." She tried to say as tears streamed down her cheeks but he cut her off.

"Yes, and that's for trying to seduce a married man" he raged.

"What?!" She asked confused as she stood up too but the effect of another hot slap on her other cheek made her to stagger back. She feels back on the couch wailing in pain. Just then Hussein walked out to the sitting room.

"And that's for lying to me" he fumed with fire in his eyes.

"I don't have any idea what you're talking about!" she yelled in between sobs. He was about to hit her again when Hussein held him back.

"It's enough Fawwad. Don't hurt her" Hussein said as he dragged him back.

"I shouldn't hurt her?" He let out a humorless chuckle "after all the pain she'd caused're telling me not to hurt her? Seriously Hussein" he hissed and went to sit.

"I know everything... But just calm down and let's settle this" Hussein added.

She was still on the couch crying while they talked.

"And you" Hussein turned her "where is his card?"

She ignored him and continued crying but Fawwad's voice made her jerk up.

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