Chapter Ten

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She wanted to leave but her mind told her otherwise so she stayed.

"What do you have to tell me?" She sounded annoyed.

"It's about what happened earlier..." And before he could finish what he was about to say, she cut him off.

"And what about it?" she scrunched up her nose, "seriously Fawwad?" she said letting out a humorless chuckle. "What do you even take me for? You didn't take me out of the streets nor have this marriage been a favor to me" her voice was beginning to break. She sniffed, her eyes suddenly becoming teary while he sat looking at her flabbergasted "you can't just abuse me now and the next minute, you come after me apologizing... it's pathetic. If you can't stop it completely, quite the apologies. It's seriously annoying"

"Are you done?" He sounded amused.


"Go to hell" he abruptly got on his feet which made her shake internally out of fear "to hell with all you've just said" he moved closer to her and she took a step back "Now, listen to me and listen very carefully. What just did, whatever you call it, never ever repeat it again and I'm damn serious" he threw her a disgusted look. He turned just when he was about to leave and said

"Hussein is in the hospital. Get ready, we're going to see him after Magrib prayer" his voice was calm but full of authority as if he wasn't the one being rude just a moment ago. Hussein has really become a part of him.

"Innalillahi wa'inna ilaihi rajiun (we belong to God and to him, we shall return)!" Forgetting everything that happened, she asked: "what happened to him?" She has to ask even though Fawwad is a bad person, Hussein was the total opposite. He's kind and all that. Sometimes she used to wonder how the duo became friends when they are totally two different personalities. She knew that something happened to Fawwad before which made him change like this which she's yet to find out.

When she thought he wasn't going to speak, he said "He got into an accident"

"Hope he's not badly injured" she dared to ask but to her surprise he replied

"Yeah, it wasn't bad" with that he left to his room. She heard the door closed behind him. She let out a sigh and moved to her room too.

Sitting on her bed, she thought about the incident that just happened. She felt depressed. She doesn't want to think it hard, so she decided to call her sister; Neimat. Maybe she'll feel better after talking to her. She dialed her number and after two rings, she picked.

"Assalamu Alaikum" she spoke and Neimat answered her salam

"How are you, lil sis?"

"I'm fine. Alhamdulillah"

"To what do I owe this kind of late evening call?" Neimat teased.

"Whatever, I called to ask of my baby since there has to be something before I can call to check up on my sister that doesn't care about me anymore" her voice full of humor

"Awwn! You know that I didn't mean it"

"Yeah, I know" she chuckled knowing that she would've earned herself a smack if to say they were together. But they are thousands of kilometers away from each other.

Neimat's husband is a Sudanese. He is Umma's nephew. Umma; their mother is biracial. Her father was an explorer from Nigeria. He went for exploration to Sudan and that's where he met her mother. In a nutshell, Walija's maternal grandfather is a Nigerian that meet her grandmother; a Sudanese when he went for exploration to Sudan.

On some holidays, Abba usually takes them to Sudan so they can get to know their relatives there. That's where Elkarib saw Neimat and decided to make her his other half. Both families were happy of the decision and in less than a year, they tied the knot. And now they've been married for 4 years with a cute 3-year-old daughter; Bushrah. They live in Sudan and rarely visit Nigeria.

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