Chapter Seven

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"Get all the papers ready and bring them to my office" Fawwad ordered his personal assistant at the reception area before he left to his office.

He was busy working on his wireless desktop when a soft knock came through.

"Yes, come in"

His personal assistant walked in, placing the paper in front of him. "Sir, here are the papers you requested for"

Without looking up, he dismissed her "Thank you, you may leave"

"And sir, there's one more thing," she said

"What's it"

"The conference meeting with the UN delegates from African nations and lunch with them afterward is taking place today"

"And you are just telling me now!" he howled which made her moved back out of fear.

He's kind to his employees and all their rights were rightfully given to them. But if any of them misbehaves or doesn't do his job well, then he won't hesitate to punish them in the right way, even if it means sacking them. That's why all his employees are hardworking, just like their boss.

"I'm sorry sir, they didn't inform us in time" she apologized.

"Just leave!" he cheesed off

Just when the door closed behind her, he recalled his father telling him about the meeting since last week.

'How could I have forgotten it so easily?'

"Damn it!" he furiously banged his table and stood up.

He got himself a cup of coffee to calm his temper down. Just when he was slurping down his coffee, it reminded him of Hussein. He hasn't set his eyes on him throughout the day. He thought of going to check on him, but he decided against it. He has already a lot of work ahead of him and now this meeting is just messing everything up. He knew that he'll see him during the meeting.

Placing the disposable cup in the bin beside his table, he grabbed a pen from a cup that contains neatly arranged writing materials. He checked the papers brought to him. He went through them and signed where necessary and also made some amendments.


"Oh my God! So it's you that's after my life" she chuckled. Excitement fully evident in her voice" Noor, it's been a hell of a time. Where the heck have you been?"

"We've just moved back to Abuja and I've lost my phone. It was so hard getting back my numbers, especially your's babe" she sounds just as thrilled as her amigo.

"You know I'm just too special" she giggled.

"Ohh com'on! don't be too flattered hun"

"Whatever," she said in a duh tone and Noor giggled "Where's my baby?"

"Baby, my foot. She's 11 for God's sake"

"Someone is jealous" she dragged the word jealous and if to say they were together, she would have earned herself a dead glare or even more a smack.

"Whatever" Walija laughed. That's the type of friends they are; always teasing each other.

"When are you coming to see me?... You know that I've missed that crazy face of yours"

"Awwwn! I've missed your ugly face too" she laughed "we're still unpacking" she sighed. Noor is by and large the lazy type " insha Allah by next week, I know that we'll be done"

"Next week it is!" Walija squealed

"Ouch! Easy babe... Yes, Ammie!!!" she vociferated.

"I love my eardrums too"

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