Chapter Thirty-Two

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"Fawwad!" And he abruptly turned to face her "what the heck are you doing?" She asked puzzled as she walked further into the kitchen.

"I'm literally cooking" he said in a duh tone and continued beating the eggs.

"No you aren't mister" she walked to where he stood and vigorously snatched the bowl from him "give me that!"

"Oh come on chill Miss. What's up with the hormones?"

"Just go and get ready please"

"Whatever" he shrugged and walked out of the kitchen to his bedroom.

She made vegetable omelet with the eggs and toasted bread. She was pouring hot water in the flask when he walked back to the kitchen.

He ignored her and went over to the fridge. He grabbed a bottle of water and moved out. He was seated on the dining dressed in his suits while she arranged the food on the table. When she finished, she dragged a chair and sat down too.

He didn't utter a word to her as he munches down his breakfast.

"Where did you learn to cook?" She curiously asked. She thought he would ignore her or rather worst vent out his anger on her but to her utmost surprise, he calmly answered her.

"I help Mami in the kitchen back then" he simply answered as he took the last bite of his toast and sipped his tea.

He made her speechless by the way he answered her. There was really a strong bond between the mother and son she thought. She just sat and watched him as he cleaned his mouth with a tissue and got on his feet.

"I'm going" and with that, he left her frozen on the seat.

When he was being nice to her back at their house, she thought he was only doing it because it was his parent's house and he doesn't want them to see how badly he treated. Then, she thought it was out of pity but his behavior that morning proved her wrong.

No matter how hard she doesn't want to accept the fact that he has really changed, she has to cause he showed it to her vividly and there was nothing she could do but to accept the fact that she's now living with a changed Fawwad. Though it might seem awkward but there was nothing she could do but to learn to live with him like that.

It has been her prayer and her only dream and Alhamdulillah God has finally answered her prayer and made her dream come true. The only problem she was facing was how to live with him like that and she knew with time, she would learn to do that.

"Are you okay?" He asked when he noticed she was distant in thoughts.

", I'm fine" she simply replied.

The look he threw her showed her that he didn't agree with what she had just said. He didn't want to drag the matter so he just smiled and left.

She heard when his car pulled out of the house. She sighed and locked the door before she packed the plates to the kitchen.


Fawwad just finished going through some of the bunch of unfinished work he left undone during Walija's accident because he stopped going to the office for almost a week and had just resumed the previous week. And now, he was doing all the work that he had missed.

He was preparing a cup of coffee when a knock came through.

"Come in" he answered and continued with what he was doing.

"Make that two please" Hussein's voice came through as he flopped down on the couch.

"So it was you again knocking on my door" Fawwad ignored him while he prepared the coffee.

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