Chapter Twenty

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Yes,'re not dreaming. It's a double update💃😁


"Have a seat" he offered them to sit when they were finally in his office. They all sat waiting for him impatiently to break the news.

"You must be the victims family?" He finally asked when he settled down.

They both answered in the affirmative. They were all worried because the doctor was about to tell them Walija's fate.

"Sorry...the male or the female victim?" He asked because he doesn't know which one of them they were there for.

"Female...his wife" Abby answered sharply. Fawwad seemed to have lost his voice. He just sat there looking at the doctor.

"Okay..." the doctor said while he went through some files before he looked up again.

"She was badly injured and we've tried our very best but..."

"Innalillahi wa Inna ilaihi rajiun" was the only thing Abby kept repeating.

Fawwad froze on his seat unable to even move a finger. Everything in his little world just stopped moving, all he can see in his eyes were the times he made her suffer. All the times he'll come back home late in the night and she'll be there waiting for him patiently, stopping herself from sleeping.

Or the times that he'll come home and will always meet his food ready. And even the times he slapped her and he didn't even have the chance to ask for her forgiveness. Even though he has done nothing but being a harsh, rude and abusive husband to her but she will take everything and doesn't even retaliate. And now she's gone, as in gone for good. She has gone back to her creator and it's still his fault.

Why?... Why didn't I went home that night? Then all of this wouldn't have happened. Why me? Oh, Allah! I'm a murderer...I killed her...I killed Walija!

Then all the bad memories kept rotating in his head making his head spin. He suddenly felt tears streaming down his cheeks and he didn't make any attempt to stop them. He let them fall freely, but only if they could reduce the pain he was feeling at the moment.

He felt a hand on his shoulder which jolted him out of his bitter thoughts. When he looked up, he saw it was Abby.

"Abby...she's gone?" He rhetorically asked his father with a shaky voice.

"Well, you didn't allow me to finish what I was about to say and you just concluded" the doctor chirped in.

"What is it that you want to say huh!? Tell us to take her body right away?" Fawwad furiously snapped venting out his anger which he didn't know where it came from, but he was just angry with himself.

"Calm down Fawwad. Don't speak to him like that" Abby tried to calm him down and he just sat back snuffling.

"Well, Mr. Fawwad, you are supposed to be happy instead of getting angry at me" he smiled a bit before he removed his specs and continued "Actually, I was about to tell you that your wife is still alive. But she had hit her head really hard during the accident which caused syncope, that's lost of consciousness due to insufficient blood flow to the brain. And unfortunately, she'd fractured her arm. At the moment she's still under treatment and in two days time, we are hoping that she'll regain her consciousness"

"Alhamdulillah" Fawwad abruptly went down for sujood ash shukur thanking Allah for the great but yet still bad news. But Alhamdulillah, he was happy she's still alive. At least he has the chance to mend his mistakes. He vowed to make things better.

When he came back to sit, he saw Abby smiling at him and he also returned the same smile. Oh, how he has missed his father. He just confirmed that now. Abby handed him a tissue and gave him the man up-and-stop-crying look. He suddenly felt embarrassed because of the way he acted a while ago. He was crying in front of his father and the doctor like a child. He collected the tissue from his father and wiped his tears.

"How about the fracture?" Abby turned to the doctor asking him.

"Well, some bones can heal by wearing a cast, others may require more invasive treatments, such as bone fracture repair"

"Which one are we going for?" Fawwad asked.

"That's why I called you here to decide. We can cast it and wait for it to heal on its own or we can go for ORIF that's Open Reduction and Internal Fixation surgery"

"How significant is the ORIF?" Abby asked.

"For now, it's an alternative but when the broken bone doesn't heal properly with casting or splinting alone, then it's a must"

"What are the risks of this bone repair?" Abby asked.

"Complications from this surgery are very rare. These complications may include: an allergic, reaction to anesthesia, bleeding, blood clots and infection"

By the time he finished listing the complications, Fawwad was already afraid of going with it. His eyes suddenly became teary again.

Those she really has to go through all this pain...all because of me?

It was Abby's words that brought him out of thoughts.

"How long Does bone healing take?" From his words, Fawwad knew that Abby too was afraid of going for the surgery.

"Bone generally takes six to twelve weeks to heal to a significant degree. And if we are lucky enough it healed by itself, then we don't have to do the surgery"

"Let's go for the cast for now" Abby said and Fawwad felt relieved because he doesn't like the idea of the surgery.

"Okay, no problem. May Allah grant her shifaa(health)" the doctor prayed.

"Thank you very much doctor" Abby thanked the doctor.

"It's my job" he smiled

"How about the other victim?"

"We've already informed his family and they've taken him"

"May his soul rest in peace" Abby and Fawwad prayed.

"Can we see her now" Fawwad asked the doctor which earned him a chuckle from him.

"You must've loved your wife dearly. I can see how disturbed you were when you thought she was gone"

Fawwad just smiled. Only if he knew the life they were living, he wouldn't have said that.

" can see her but she's still in a coma, so the room shouldn't be crowded" the doctor said and they thank him once again before they left his office.


They met Mami, Hussein and the constable sitting outside the doctor's office. They all abruptly got on their feet when they saw them coming out of the office and walked up to them.

After they broke the news to them, they were all really happy she's still alive and sad because of the fracture. Abby also made a call to her father and informed them about their daughter's state. Even though they knew they'll get worried but it was something they can't hide from them cause they have the right to know. Abby assured him not to be worried as they'll take very good care of her. The constable also congratulated them before he took his leave as his job was done.


And so is my job also done for today.

Don't you think I deserve a standing ovation today?😂😂

So Walija is still alive... Who's happy?😂😂😂

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