Chapter Three

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Walija has been sleeping for the past hours in her room. The shrilling sound of her phone woke her. She damned herself for not putting it on silent mode cause she was enjoying her slumber and someone just has to ruin it. She picked it up and without looking to see who the caller was, she placed it on her ear with her eyes shut.

"Yes" she moaned and when she the caller spoke her eyes flew opened. The sleep totally leaving her being.

"Umma, good evening" she let out a nervous chuckle.

"I can see that you're now enjoying yourself very well in the new home that you've forgotten about us" Her mother ignored her greeting pulling her daughter's legs.

Hajiya Aisha Wadata; Umma as her children addressed her. Very cheerful women who never seize the opportunity to make their children happy. She believes they are her special gift from Allah. She and her husband Alj. Buhajar Saif has done a really good job in the upbringing of their children. They made sure they never lacked both Islamic and western knowledge. They have trained them according to the teachings of the prophet Muhammad(S.A.W). Umma is a Sudanese and that explained the Arab features her children have. The fairness and the long silky black hair.

Abba; their father was a diplomat. Most of the times, they are out of the country. Walija has three siblings. Neimat is the eldest and married to Elkarib with a daughter Bushrah. Walija is the second and finally the twins; Muhseen and Mubeen and they are 9years old.

"Ummaaaa!!!" she whined.

"Remember, you're not my baby anymore" her mother laughed and if she could see her face now she knew her daughter has pouted " how're you?" she finally asked.

"Alhamdulillah Umma, how are my twins?"

"They just left to islamiyya(Islamic school)"

Talking about islamiyya means that it was four already and when she checked the wall clock placed on the bedroom wall, it was just some minutes left before five. She has been sleeping since without praying. She internally damned herself and dared not to tell her mother she hasn't prayed her Asr (4 o'clock prayer).

"Masha Allah" was the only thing that came out of her mouth.

"I called to tell you that your father has been posted"

And that single sentence broke her heart and shattered the little pieces that were left in her life. It has been three months after their marriage, she knows that her parents will leave the country any moment but she wasn't expecting it to be this soon.

She wonders how Neimat does it but she couldn't compare her marriage with her sister's. Her sister's marriage was out of love but hers was out of what she herself doesn't even know.

"Umma, don't you think is too soon?"

"Walija" her mother called and left out a sigh.

She knows how hard it was for her mother but what can she do when it has passed her power. she knows how her mother will start thinking about what can never be undone so she saved her the stress.

"Umma, it's okay" she smiled which brought out a sound "now tell me, to where?"

"Saudi Arabia"

"Wow! that's great I've always wanted to go to that country"

"You can still come and see us"

And that's how they continued talking. Umma advising her about random stuff before Walija excused herself.

When she hung up, she quickly rushed to the bathroom and performed her ablution. Wearing her hijab, she prayed her Asr prayer.

She then walked down the spiral stairs. Upon entering the sitting room, she saw Fawwad. He was busy with his phone and might probably don't even noticed her presence so she just ignored him and walked into the kitchen.

She was busy preparing potato salad and cutting the vegetables when she let out a loud shrill dropping the knife.

He was still busy with his phone when he heard the shrill. He knew it was her cause he saw her when she walked in but pretended he didn't. He quickly dropped his phone and walked to the kitchen.

And there, he saw her holding her finger and wincing in pain with blood dripping on the floor.

When he saw her like that, he walked out and just then she looked up.

' how mean' she thought. The pain was excruciating and she didn't know what to do. Just then he walked back with the first aid box, she just followed him with eyes. Without uttering a word he pulled her to the sink and washed the blood down. He got her seated on the stool near the kitchen island as he dressed her wound perfectly.

He stood up to leave and she muttered a thank you, he nodded and left.

'What a bipolar being' she thought. When she got up, she finished her meal but this time being extra careful cause if she cuts her finger again, she knew he won't come back to dress it.

After she was done setting the table, it was almost time for Maghrib(7 o'clock prayer) so when she finished everything she went back to her room to pray.

When she came down, he was already eating. Sometimes she used to think that he likes her food but that's something she doesn't like to think about, she just assumes he likes his food.

She pulled a chair and sat. she grabbed a plate and served herself the scrumptious potato salad. She was enjoying her meal when he spoke

"Get ready, tomorrow after work we're going to Mami's" there was an authority in his voice

'Whatever' she wished to say but decided against it and instead said "okay" as she continued eating.

He finished his meal before her and stood up to leave. He was at the foyer when she called to him.

"Fawwad!" Which made him abruptly turn cause it came unexpectedly.

"Where are you going?" As she stood face to face with him.

"And who do you think you are to question me?" He bellowed.

"I may be nothing to you but as a fellow Muslim, I think I can tell you what's wrong and what's right"

"Listen, don't you dare interfere in my life again. And what you just did, should never repeat itself" he stated each word making himself clear.

"What if I don't? cause I'll never stop" she was being stubborn and the next thing that happened made her numb for some seconds before she felt the fierce pain as her hand flew to cheek.

'He slapped me' she thought and before she could utter a word he stormed out, banging the door at her face which came at the same time with hot tears streaming down her cheeks.


Dan dan dan...

Our poor Walija got slapped😱

After knowing the Ibrahims we got to know the Buhajars too😁

Fav scene?

Till we meet in the next chapter...

Your votes and comments matters😿


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