Chapter Two

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When the office hours were over Hussain and his alter ego Fawwad walked out of the notorious building together. When they were finally at the parking lot, Hussein thought it was a good time he talks to him about what he has been telling him every single day. Though sometimes Fawwad will get pissed off and leave or they would end up in a heated argument, Hussein was never going to let it be. He strongly believes that one day, Fawwad will finally understand and until that day, he promised himself to never back off no matter what and that is what a true friend should be he thought.

"Let's talk buddy" Hussein initiated the conversation.

"Hussein, I'm really exhausted and if it's about what I'm thinking, then please don't even go there today" he was starting to get a little-pissed off. The smile he previously had on his face was immediately gone.

"It's about that and I don't see any reason why you don't wanna talk about it" Hussein was also carrying anger but concerned look.

"You may be my best buddy, but you have not a single ounce of an idea of what goes through within
me so let it be"

It was getting heated but Hussein wouldn't keep shut. They are the type of buddies that will have a heated argument in the afternoon and be seen laughing together at night. That's the type of friends they are and they are proud of themselves. They both know each
other very well enough.

They solve their problems together and laugh together, but this time Fawwad was going through a bad phase in life which he has chosen to keep to himself alone and that's what Hussein detests the most; seeing his best buddy disturbed.

"And that's what I will never do" Hussein was being stubborn

"Then, help yourself!" Fawwad stormed into his car. Anger evident in his eyes as he left his friend standing in the middle of the car park.

He shook his head and smiled because he knows how stubborn Fawwad could be, but he couldn't keep it to himself either. When the time is due he'll have to talk about it.

He got into his car and drove out too.

Fawwad was really furious when he drove out. What kept bothering him was why Hussein wouldn't let this go, at least he shouldn't be bringing this up every time they meet.

"Damn it" he angrily hit the steering wheel.

When he reached his house, he honked at the gate and in less than a minute the gate was slid opened. He parked the car and entered the house. He didn't wait for Walija, he has his own keys too so he opened it himself.

Upon stepping down of the foyer, he expected to see her there sitting in the sitting room because that's where he always finds her when he comes back from work but today she wasn't there. He was damn happy because after what happened earlier she was the last person he wants to set his eyes on.

He climbed up to his room and locked the door. He was quite certain that she'll never enter his room when he's around. Maybe only when he goes to work to arrange it because he always finds it neat when he comes back from work. He still locked it because at the moment, he wanted to be alone.

He flung his coat on the bed and loosed his tie before he got into the bathroom. A few minutes later, he was out and has freshened up. He wore a simple white T-shirt and black sweat pants.

He got himself a chilled drink from his room fridge, got his car keys and left the house. Instead of him to drive to his private bungalow where only he and Hussein knew about, he drove to their house; his parent's house. He has gotten a call earlier from his father that he wants to see him after work.


His mother; Hajiya Hauwa Abubakar was sitting in the parlor with Maya resting her head on her mother's lap. Even in her old age with three children she still looks beautiful and fresh. Fawwad, being her firstborn in his early thirties has two sisters. Hafsat, a young 16year old beautiful maiden and Maya, their cute baby in the house and also their last born, which is 9years old and also Fawwad's favorite.

When he salam-med, that's when Maya saw it was him, she ran to him hugging him tightly.

"Maya, don't you know that you're now a big girl?" haj. Hauwa called to her daughter.

"Maaamiiii!!!" Maya whined.

"Mami, even when she gets married, she'll still be my baby" he looked down at her "right my baby?" and that made her pout, Fawwad laughed knowing quite alright that she'll now leave the parlor for them because if anything Maya hates, was to be talked about marriage.

When she finally ran to her room they all laughed. No matter how messed up he was, he always finds his peace when he's in their house with his family. But Abby just have to ruin everything for him

He walked to where his mother was seated and greeted her. Before she could say anything further which he knew what it would be, he quickly cut her off cause he was already tensed.

"Is Abby home?" He asked.

"He's in his office" she simply answered cause she knew that he is avoiding her. That's what he has been doing for quite some time now ever since he got married.

He got up and walked to the direction of the office. He knocked on the door and his father's authoritative voice came.

"Come in"

And there he was sitting behind his table, going through some work. His father Alj. Ibrahim Sufyan was a man of his words. He stood tall and dark skinned but still is a handsome old man. Fawwad was his correct replica. He took all his features from his father. His family is the most important thing in his life as he can go to any extent to make the right choices for them. But whenever he looked at his son Fawwad, he knows that he has terribly failed and that has made a deep hole in his heart which can never be filled.

He greeted him and sat on the seat opposite his as directed by him.

"How's the business going?" His father asked. Fawwad is managing a branch of his father's company in the country.


"I've received a call from the UN delegates. They'll be coming over for a conference meeting on the need for international cooperation of the company. Inform your employees"

"When will they arrive?"

"Next week insha Allah"


And the office suddenly became silent. Fawwad used to be his Father's favorite son and their bond was strong enough for everyone to notice. As years past by, their bond was weakening and now when they talk it has to be about business. It was always formal, unlike how they'll talk about everything before.

"I'll take my leave" and his father just nodded before he stood up and left the office.

When he got out, his mother was still in the parlor but this time with Hafsat.

"Good afternoon ya Fawwad" she greeted him when he was finally seated on one of the armchairs.

"Hafsat" he called

"Na'am (yes)"

"How're you"


"Hope you're preparing well for your upcoming exams?"

Hafsat was in grade 12 and was about to write her final exams next month.

"Yes, ya Fawwad" and she smiled. He nodded knowing that his sister is gonna aced it cause she's brainy.

He stayed with them for some time throwing a few words in their conversation here and there before he excused himself and left.


So there we go... We got to know a little about Fawwad's family

Who's your fav? Mine is Maya😂

Till we meet in the next chapter

Your votes and comments matters😿


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