Chapter Twenty-Eight

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Immediately Fawwad came back from the mosque, he branched to his house. He took a quick refreshing shower and wore casuals before he headed back to his parent's house.

He found Walija and Maya in the sitting room when he walked into the house. Immediately Maya saw him, she ran up to him hugging him.

"Maya! What had Mami been feeding you?" he said to her while they walked hand in hand to the sitting room.

"You almost made me fall" he added and she laughed.

All that happened before Walija's eyes but she didn't uttered a word to them. She only greeted him when he was finally seated. After some few minutes, he left to Mami's room.

He found her on the praying mat reciting the Holy Qur'an when he entered her bedroom. He silently moved further into the room to where she was seated and sat beside her. He watched her with admiration as she finished reciting the Qur'an. She carefully closed it and placed it back to its place. She recited some duas and he joined her by saying 'amin' at the end.

"Good afternoon Mami" he smiled.

"To what do I owe this kind of visit?" She teased.

"Can't I just come and see my beloved mother when I wished to?" He pouted which made her laugh as he watched her smiling. He was full of happiness before he saw tears streaming down her cheeks.

What made him to panic even more was when he realised she was still smiling in tears.

"Mami?...what's wrong? Please tell me" he held her hands in his "have I said anything wrong?" He asked worriedly.

"No, my son. You did nothing wrong" she simply retorted.

"Stop crying're scaring me" he said while he wiped away her tears.

She was silent for some minutes before she said, "I wasn't crying because something bad happened. What you just saw were...tears of joy my son"

"Are we expecting anything good?..perhaps, a baby brother for me?" He finished laughing but he immediately stopped when Mami's hard smack landed on his head. "Ouch! Mami! What was that for?" He winced in pain.

"That was for being naughty with your mother" she laughed.

"Maaamiiii" he whined "you know I'd always wanted a baby brother"

Ever since he was young, he had always wished to have a brother. When Hafsat was born he thought it as a boy but he was still happy cause he also didn't know how it feels to have a baby sister.

When Maya was born, he thought the same but he wasn't lucky enough to have a baby brother. But despite the fact that he wanted a baby brother so badly, he still loved his sisters more than expected. Since he knew he can never have a brother, he made Hussein his brother from another momma.

"You can't have a brother but you can always have a son" Mami teased but she looked serious at the sudden change of her son's expression.

"Are you alright son?" She asked.

He heaved a sigh and said "I'm fine Mami"

She just laughed and shook her head. She had been observing the relationship between the husband and wife but she chooses to not interfere until when they were ready to let her in. But deep down, she wasn't happy about it and whatsoever is going on between them, she wanted them to solve it between themselves and not include any third party in their marriage life.

" were saying something about tears of joy earlier. What's it about?" He tried to change the topic completely.

"Oh! that. Well, I was shedding those tears of joy because of you my son" she said and he just threw her a confused look. She smiled and continued. "I just realised how much I'd missed you...I missed how we used to sit and just have a mother to son talk...forgetting all our problems and laughing together.

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