Chapter Twenty-Seven

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When he got to the house, Walija, Mami and Hafsat were seated in the sitting. Maya had gone to school while Hafsat was done with her finals.

"You should get going, Hafsat will go with you" Mami said.

He abruptly turned to look at Mami but she just shrugged. He had been anticipating that day so he could have alone time with his wife since she won't allow him to do that in the house.

"Um...Mami...Hafsat...isn't she going for her exams today" he stuttered trying to convince Mami.

"No, she was done yesterday" Mami added.

He knew there was nothing else he could say to convince her so he just nodded.

"Let's go" he called, and they trailed behind him to the car.

It was a silent drive except when Fawwad asked Hafsat about her exams.

"How were your exams?" He asked her without mentioning her name but she knew he was referring to her.

"It was fine...Alhamdulillah" she replied from the back seat.

"And your result?"

"It will be out by the end of the month"

"Alright. All the best"

"Thank you ya Fawwad" she smiled.

They were about to enter the hospital's gate when his phone started ringing. It was from an unknown number, so he just continued driving without picking it. He saw Walija looking at him suspiciously from the corner of his eyes but he did as if he didn't see her.

When they finally arrived at the parking lot, he asked them to go in and wait for him at the reception area because his phone started ringing again. He knew there was only one person that calls him with an unknown number and he doesn't want to pick it while they were around.

"What do you want?" Was the first thing he said when he picked the call while Walija and Hafsat were gone.

"Is that the way you say hello handsome" her annoying shrieking voice came through.

"Don't provoke me and just say what do you want to say already" he sounded annoyed.

"I can see that you're eager to hear what I'm going to say and in that case let me just go straight to the point"


"Wow! I can see that you've gained more courage through the passing days. I like that" she chuckled and he just listened to her knowing that whatever she was going to say, was a big fat lie. "It's been a week since we last spoke and as promised...I've called to hear your final decision"

My final decision is to strangle you to death! He wished to say but he decided against it and went on with Hussein's plan.

"I have agreed" he sharply said as he felt bitterness in his mouth while uttering those words even though he was just playing along.

"Oh my God! Did I just hear you say that" she squealed. "Gosh! I knew nobody can resist such a captivating beauty!"

"I'll text you the address now...don't remove the line" with that, he hung up. He couldn't stand hearing her disgusting voice for another second. The way she downgraded herself made him want to throw up.

He texted her his address to his private bungalow and she immediately replied with a heart emoji. He hissed before he threw his phone in his pocket and entered the hospital.

He found them waiting for him in the reception area. He took their appointment card to the receptionist. She collected it and searched through some files before she handed him Walija's file.

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