Chapter 3

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Ashton's POV:

Our teacher Mr. Miller is asking us a bunch of questions and it seems Mike and I are the only ones paying attention maybe a few others as well. He asks another one and Michael and I both raise our hands and we are basically the only ones except two people in front of us. He starts to put his hand up higher and I try to reach the same height. We each have someone in front of us so we both lean to the side to get the teacher to see us but we both reach too far and end up falling out of our chairs. My best friend looks over at me and we start laughing at each other.

"You are so clumsy Ash!" Mike laughs.

"Look who's talking Mikey" I glare jokingly at him.

"Mr. Irwin and Mr. Clifford!!" Both of our heads snap up to meet the glaring eyes of the teacher.

"Yes sir?" Michael asks innocently.

"I already called on someone but you guys were too busy competing for me to pick on you that you didn't notice they already answered the question."

"And your point being?" I sass back at him.

"Just, both of you get off of the ground and this time pay attention." He pinches the bridge of his nose then makes his way back to the board.

"Someone is on their period" I hear the oh so fabulous Luke Hemmings mutter beside me.

"Would you shut up!" I whisper/yell at him so the teacher doesn't hear.

"Ooh feisty! I like 'em like that" he winks at me cheekily. I huff and flip him off while looking back and paying attention to the lesson.

Michael's POV:

While Ashton and Luke have a small bicker I turn get back into my seat and I look over to secretly look at Calum. My goodness he is so handsome. I love the way his hair falls flat over his face and his little dimples show as he smiles. I have has the biggest crush on him sense I first laid eyes on him in Year 5. We used to be best friends believe it or not he use to be a pretty good kid but he became too much for me with all his cockiness and his sleeping around when he got into Year 9 like his little brother Luke. A while ago earlier in Year 6 I met Ashton and started to get over Calum and ended up having a big crush on Ashton.

We kissed a couple have times and we even dated once. Unfortunately and fortunately Calum came back into my life around in Year 9 when we hung out at this kids' Dylan's birthday. and it was a mutual decision for me and Ash to just be great friends and we have ever sense. There's just something about Calum that makes me think my crush on him is more than just a crush. I think I'm in love with him. Through everything Luke never seemed to like me even when we were younger, I was never very find of him either he has always been an ass.

I see Calum turn his head and his eyes meet mine and I can't help but just stare longingly into his eyes. He smiles the biggest smile ever making his dimples appear, I just want to poke them he waves to me a little and I blush looking down to pick up my stuff when the bell rings. I'm about to walk out the door with Ashton when Calum slips something into my back pocket letting his hand longer there than expected. I walk out with Ashton by my side and he clearly knows what just happened.

"Read it Mikey." He smiles and nods at me. Ashton knows everything that has happened with Calum and I and he's perfectly fine with it. I open the note as we are walking to our next class.

"Text me beautiful ;) xxx-xxx-xxxx"

I blush furiously and Ashton notices right away.

"You guys would be cute." My best friend says.

"He thanks Ash." I smile back at him as we walk into the P.E. Men's locker room to change.

"So what has Luke been up to? I have been so patient for you to tell me I think you need to spill."

"All in due time my friend." He pats my back as we open our lockers taking out our clothes. We start to get changed when I see a certain blonde haired lad with a lip ring.

"Slut alert." I whisper in Ashton's ear. He turns around and scoffs at my response.

"Tell me about it. I wonder what the hell he wants now." He scowls as Luke makes his was closer and I notice he rakes his eyes up and down Ashton's body and I instantly gag. I stand in front of Ashton just in case something unlikely happens.

"Move Clifford!" He growls at me.

"Is there any reason you are here?"

"Oh no reason at all that concerns you. I just wanted to tell Ash here that he looks hot." He smirks at Ashton behind me and I can feel him rolling his eyes.

"He's my best friend so he Is required to know so screw off Hemmings." My best friend growls as he steps out from behind me. I see Cal making his way over and my scowl turns soft instantly.

"Hey Michael" He says brightly to me.

"Hey Cal. What's up?"

"Would you like to run with me?" He asks nicely. I look at Ashton for any acceptance.

"Just go mate." He whispers at me.

"Sure I'll run with you." I blush.

"Leggo" he yells while skipping at the door. I trail behind him hot on his tail.

I'm so in love with him.

Calum's POV:

Damn! Michael is looking so hot.

"So how's everything been buddy?" I ask swinging an arm around his shoulders.

"Everything been great. How about you?"

"Same old same old. I like your choice of hair color today." I smile at him. He always dye's his hair and it's the cutest thing ever. Right now it's a nice shade of blue.

"Thanks love." He instantly freezes.

"Hey don't worry babe call me anything you want." I wink at him. He gets a frown on his face really quick.

"So I can see you haven't changed." He says sadly.

"What do you mean?" I furrow my eyebrows at him.

"You are still a cocky, arrogant, airhead." He smiles and chuckles at me. I put my hands over my heart acting upset.

"Well I am very sorry for the inconvenience sky boy." I smirk at him.

"Did you just call me Sky Boy?" He questions as he furrows his eyebrows. My goodness he is so cute.

"Why yes, yes I did. It matches your hair doesn't it?"

"I suppose"

"Hey I say when no one is looking we go back into the locker rooms and change..... And maybe ditch before Lunch?" I smile innocently at him.

"You want to ditch.... With me?"

"Yeah of course." He looks at me sadly.

"I would love to but what happens if we get caught. It is just the first day of school. Plus the rooms are probably locked by now." He gestures to the doors as I see Luke and Ashton walk out as the last people. I can't help but laugh though because Luke is literally chasing and begging Ashton to go out with him and Ash just keeps running away.

He is so desperate.

"What's so funny Cal?" Michael snaps me out of my trance.

"Oh nothing, anyways. I have a key." I smirk at him.

"Why do you have a....." I flick up an eyebrow in satisfaction.

"Yeah.... Right. Don't answer that." We both chuckle.

"The perks of pretty much running the school." I wink at him.

"Again you haven't changed... But I don't want you too." He smiles longingly at me.

"Thanks babe"

"Anytime Cal."

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