Chapter 10

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Ashton's POV:

Beep Beep

Ugh I hate my phone!!!

I lay up in bed and look at my new messages. I got one from Dylan not even 5 seconds ago. I unlock it and my heart starts beating out of my chest.


Dude! Go on Twitter! NOW! :D

Okay.. That's weird, I open up my twitter app and head to my notifications I keep scrolling till I see anything suspicious.

I see one from Luke telling me how beautiful I am....... Scroll.

I see one from my mom saying how she found her long lost son. Wow unbelievable...... Scroll.

I see another one and it's from Hi or Hey Records saying how they saw our videos and how they want us to call............Scroll.


"AHHHH!!!" I scream while jumping up and down. I hear footsteps storming upstairs and my mom comes barging in with a frying pan.

"What's going on?!?!? Are you okay?!?!" She looks around frantically and her eyes finally fall on me.

"I just got freaking tweeted by 'Hi or Hey Records!!!!!" I yell and take her into a huge hug.

"Michael and I are gonna make it!!"

"That's great sweetie. I think you should get ready and go to school."

"OMG I need to tell Michael I'm leaving right now!!" I try to run away but mom stops me.

"Umm Ash, aren't you forgetting something??" She asks.

"No what are you...." I look down and notice I'm only in boxers.

"Oh.... Yeah I guess I did." My mom chuckles at me and walks out of my room yelling a;

"Good luck, hun love ya."

"I gotta freaking hurry!!"


*30 minutes later.*

I literally burst through the school doors with kids staring at me like some sort of freak and head to Michael and I's locker as fast as I can. I notice he isn't there now so I rush over to Calum's locker. Sure enough he's with Calum and Luke.

"MICHAEL!!!" I yell as I run to him. I push Luke and Calum out of the way and literally jump on my best friend.

"We got noticed!!!!" I scream in his face and he looks generally scared.

"W-what?" He looks at me with wide eyes.

"THE Hi or Hey Records noticed us!!!!" I squeal not noticing that there's a huge crowd surrounding us.

"Tell me your kidding Ashton!"

"No! I'm totally serous!!! LOOK" I hold up my phone to him and he sees the notification an literally attacks me in the biggest hug ever.

"Oh my gosh! We need to freaking call them! This is our big break baby!!!!" Michael fists pumps the air.

I notice people gasp and look at their shocked faces. Even the faces of Calum and Luke are surprised. I make the biggest announcement ever. It's even bigger than freaking Luke Hemmings winning senior class president. I am feeling very confident so I jump onto Mikey's shoulders and yell.

"Attention!! You my friends are looking at possibly the next big thing in music history. Michael and I are going to Slay!!"

Luke's POV:

WHAT???? How? They are not musicians!! They are geeks. This is my fucking dream. This should be me and Calum!! Oooh Damn I have the best plan ever, and it's sure to work.

It's time to show Ashton and Michael, Calum and I's music and they are sure to let is in. WE CAN FORM A BAND!!!!!

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