Chapter 30

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Calum's POV:

"Hey" we sing out the last note and the audience goes the craziest they have been all show. This is crazy I can't believe it's official.

"5 Seconds of Summer!!" Alan screams.

"Good job boys, we will all see you at the Take Me Home Tour. Watch out world these boys are going to take the world by storm." We all go to stand next to the interviewer.

"Thank you for having us Alan. Thank you 1D boys and Capitol Records for giving us the chance to show the world what we are made of, we won't let you down." My little brother says and we all make our way off stage.

"One Direction and 5 Seconds of Summer everyone."

"I say we all go out to celebrate." Michael cheers.

"To the club!!!" Niall screams while running to the front doors of the studio. Me and the boys need to go home first but he could go right ahead. What a strange boy.

Ashton's POV:

*2 hours later*

We arrive at the club you could probably hear the music from all the way to China. The lights are literally blinding. I'm really nervous about going out tonight because there will be alcohol, which will lead to a drunk Luke, which could then lead to disaster. I only just got him too and I don't want him to do anything he'll regret.

I feel a hand rest on my lower back and I know it's Luke.

"You okay princess?" He yells at me through the whole crowd.

"Uh, yeah I guess." I put on the best smile I could muster but it doesn't work. Luke's face is unreadable.

"Hey baby it's gonna be okay. Nothing bad is going to happen tonight I promise. I will stay with you the whole time."

"Thanks Lukey." I smile at him as he pulls me close an connects our lips.

"Let's get us a drink yeah?" I nod and he pulls me over to the bar.

"Where are the other boys?" I ask in wonder.

"Turn around." He nods his head behind me. I turn around and the rest of they boys are with their couples, ooh Perrie is here. Everyone is basically already dirty dancing.

I turn back around and my face comes to the bartender that literally has her cleavage showing to Luke and he looks fairly uncomfortable. She basically has her hands all over him I should probably help him out.

"Hey, would you mind taking your filthy hands off my boyfriend? It would be greatly appreciated." I sneer sassily at her as I place my arms around his waist.

"Ugh! Whatever. What would you guys like to drink?" She rolls her eyes at us.

"5 shots each." Luke demands and my eyes pop out of my head.

"What the hell Luke?" I yell over all the noise.

"Oh bloody hell Ashton! Live a little." He kisses me on the lips as our shots are placed in front of us. I can't believe I'm doing this.

"You haven't drank before?" He looks at me like I have two heads. I probably do to him because he literally just downed 5 shots in 1 minute.


"Oooh can I have your shots then?" He slurs.

"Hell no. Fine I'll take them." He gives me a nod of approval.

I take my first two shots and the burning in my throat makes me wanna throw up. I start coughing as I take the rest of the shots and I'm suddenly dizzy, but I don't care right now. After a few more shots I feel exhilarated, I feel so good right now.

"Hey! Lukey Baby. Dance with me!!" I yell and pull him to the dance floor before he can protest.

I pull us up right next to Michael and Calum who are totally in the mood. Michael winks at me as he looks at Luke and I back in forth he mouths a few words and I quickly caught them.

"Get some." Oh no, that's not happening. Not now.

I notice the song changes to a song I haven't heard before and I look at Luke in confusion.

"What song is this?"

"Bubblegum by Jason Derulo." Ohhh that's why haha I don't listen to him. Anyways, it's pretty catchy so I take the chance to nudge my bum with Luke's front so he gets the idea. Soon we are grinding like there is no tomorrow with the other couple next to us. The One Direction boys make their way over to us with Perrie as well.

I love Perrie oh my gosh she is even more beautiful up close but she's not the one I'm interested in. I'm into this boys right in front of me and I wouldn't change it for the world. I look at the bar ahead of me and there is a strange yet attractive man staring at me from afar. Wait! What am I saying?

"Hey, I'm gonna go to the bathroom. I'll be right back, don't miss me too much." I wink at Luke while walking away. I look and notice the man isn't there anymore.

Hmmm. Weird

When I walk into the bathroom I am instantly pushed into the wall and I can't breathe.

"Hey beautiful." I hear a seductive voice growl on my ear. I open my eyes and notice it's the guy from before.

"Could you let go." I grunt trying to get away but he must think differently because he pushes me with him into a stall.

"P-please" I cower away into the farthest wall.

"Hey it's okay, we're gonna have some fun." I try to scream as he makes his way to me and I doubt anyone can hear me. He's getting closer, please help me Luke.

Luke's POV:

Does it really take that long to go to the bathroom? Where is Ashton?

"Hey, Cal I'll be right back." I yell over the music as I walk to the bathroom and he nods in agreement.

The next thing I know I hear a scream....... Oh my goat that's my baby. I burst into the room and I go towards the screaming and bust the locked stall down an the sight in front of me makes me cringe.

"Hey get off and away from MY boyfriend." I knock the guy down that is basically naked and has my Ashton on the ground in his boxers. I throw punches at him from left to right and I hear a cracked voice from behind me.

"L-Luke s-stop." I throw one last punch to the guy that's bloodied on the floor. I run over to Ashton and cradle him in my arms, he's literally shaking all over he must be so traumatised.

"My gosh baby, it's going to he okay." I whisper in his ear a few times as I pick him up bridle style with his clothes and fast walk out of the bathroom.

I notice Zayn and Michael run over to us.

"W-what happened??" Mikey yells.

"Just get security now. We are leaving! I'll explain later." Zayn walks away with Mikey as I run out to the van. Ashton cuddles into me and his choked sobs makes the tears fall faster down my face.

"I got you. I'm here Ash." I whisper again as the others make their way into the van with confused facial expression.

"I'll explain tomorrow but right now drop us four off at Cal and I's place." I give the driver the address and we take off. Ashton's sobs turn into light snores and I whisper.

"I'm so sorry Ash. I love you so much. I won't let anyone touch you ever again."

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