Chapter 36

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Hey guys sorry I haven't posted in a couple days, but I had my One Direction concert last night. OH MY GOSH I HAD THE FREAKING TIME OF MY LIFE!!!! Okay back to the story.

Ashton's POV:

"Lauren, Harry! I'm home!!" I yell at the top of my lungs and everyone cowers back.

"Coming!! Hold yo-" my sister trots down the stairs and screams at the top of her lungs. The 1D boy generally look scared.

"WHAT IS ONE DIRECTION DOING IN OUR LIVING ROOM!!!!" She jumps on Zayn first and he falls straight to the ground.

"I love you Zayn!!!" He chuckles as she places kisses all over his face.

"Love you too babe." He picks her up and holds her on his hip.

"I'm gonna faint." Oh man he wasn't kidding. She falls limp right in Zayn's arms.

"Not this again." He groans out.

"Mum! Lauren passed out. Help!" She runs down the stairs frantically and stops straight in her traps.

"HARRY STYLES!" She screeches as she tries to get to Harry but I hold her back very fast.

"Please, stop your scaring the poor lad." I sigh placing my face in my hands.

"Right! Sorry. Here I'll take her and yeah." She stutters as she takes Lauren from Zayn's arms.

"Michael don't you need to pack your stuff?"

"Nope. I packed last night my mum should be here soon to drop everything off." He skips around the room doing a happy dance.

"Well then. Boys I have FIFA, knock yourselves out I'll be right back." Before I walk up the stairs I hear Calum and Zayn fight over the controllers.

*20 minutes later*

"I'm done b-"

"What the hell is going on here?" I snap in surprise looking at all the boys on a dog pile on the ground.

"Uhh nothin" Harry says ever so innocently on top.

"Where's Niall?" He is not in the pile.

"Oh he's uhh."

"Right here." A muffled voice says coming out from the kitchen holding a package of Oreo's and a face stuffed with crisps.

"What the hell is going on here?"

"I don't know myself Nialler." He just shrugs and goes back into the kitchen, hopefully to put my beloved Oreos away.

Luke's POV:

The boys are gonna be here in any second and I don't know how I can face them but to be a good brother I packed up all Calum's things and mine. Plus that will have us get out of here faster and on the road.

Suddenly the front door bursts open and Louis comes running right at me, but Liam was fast enough to hold Louis back as he struggles from his grip.


"Stop Louis." A small voice says from behind Liam. Ashton. I run up to him without hesitation and wrap him in a huge hug.

"I am so so so so sorry Ashton. I'm such a ducking idiot." He chuckles slightly because of how I said ducking.

"I was just so upset I don't know what came over me, I love you so much Ashton more than anything I hate what I did please forgive me baby?" He puts his hands on my chest and pushes me back a little and I feel kinda hurt. Next thing I know he slaps me.

"I guess I deserved that" I sigh

"I'm sorry for slapping you, but what you did was a dick move"

That's all he says before he looks at the two bags by me and grabs one and makes his way out the door. I look over at Louis and Liam and mumble an 'I'm sorry' grabbing Calum's bad and making my way to the car.

"Okay, so now that we have everything. I would be glad to announce that you 4 will be rooming with us at our place for a couple days and then head on the road for an amazing tour." Liam announces.

"You guys have something waiting for you guys at our place so....... LET'S GO!" Niall shouts as we all run to the car as fast as lightning.

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