Chapter 11

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Luke's POV:

"Hey Ash can I talk to you for a second" I snap out of my thoughts and look at the gorgeous boy on Mikey's shoulders.

"Sure..." He agrees warily but doesn't move an inch.

"Alone" I add a little sternly.

"Umm yeah okay." He starts to get down from his friends shoulders and looses his balance and starts to fall forward. Before he can touch the ground I out for him and cradle him into my arms.

"You alright babe?" I ask him.

"Yeah totally" he scowls at his best friend.

"I don't like you Mikey." He pouts

"Hey it's not my fault you fell off of me. Plus you have to put up with me I'm your best friend and we are gonna be living our dream together." He winks at him and walks off with Calum.

"Uh... Luke?" Ashton looks up at me with warm eyes.

"Yes princess" I smile at him with wide teeth. His eyes instantly turn into a scowl.

"Don't call me that Luke. What do you want to talk about?"

"Well about that.... Well you know that little message you got?" I ask hesitantly while scratching my neck.

"No." Ashton says in shock knowing what I want.

"No no no.... NO." He gets off of me and I whimper at the loss of contact.

"What why not???" I whine still on the ground.

"Because that's OUR freaking dream....." He starts to shout.

"How do you know if this isn't Calum and I's dream huh?" I ask him in astonishment while picking my head off the ground.

"It can't be. How do I know if you guys can even sing." He asks with wide eyes.

"Trust me we can sing and we both play the guitar." I say with a smirk clearly having fun with this.

"Come on Ashton" he looks away at me and I take his chin in my fingers and lift it up to get him to look at me.

"Please... Just, think about it. We can form a band. This could actually work. There isn't any shame in you guys putting us in a group." I look with pleading eyes.

"I guess I don't have a problem with it, but you have to ask Michael." He looks at me with assuring eyes.

"I'm pretty sure Cal has got it covered sweet cheeks." I wink at him and bring my head closer to him and kiss him on the forehead. I pull away and take a closer look into his eyes. I noticed a new found shine in them he is so breathtaking.

"You have the prettiest eyes I have ever seen." I say in a soft voice. He looks at me through his eyelashes and thank god I'm already on the ground because my knees would have given out.

I don't know what it is but I see a look of something in his eyes from when I looked deep into them. Was it adoration? sadness? My thoughts are going crazy right now.

"I-I..I gotta go." Ashton snaps out of whatever trance he's in and gets up and runs away from me not looking back.

Ashton's POV:

What going on with me? Luke literally just took my breath away. He looked so gorgeous staring into my eyes like that. Butterfly's just exploded into my stomach then and there and I got the chills from his touch.

I can't feel this way about him. He's a player, a wannabe. Just something about his voice when he said I have the prettiest eyes ever I can't help but feel giddy and alive.

He drives me crazy, but he also keeps me sane maybe he would change for me. I bet he's never even talked to a guy or girl before like he has with me. Maybe I bring out the better in him he is so sweet and caring when he's not too worried about his reputation.

Who would want me this much though? I'm nothing, I feel like nothing, people make me feel like nothing except for the true friends and family I have. Yes I can sing and yes I can play the drums and yes I am smart but I'm noting else I guess I'm just too blind. Luke though he makes me feel wanted, he makes me feel special. I can't let him in though because I don't want to get hurt again. I can't believe I'm saying this but,

'I think I'm falling for Luke Hemmings.'


Sorry for the short chapter but I promise the next one will be longer. Love you all <3

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