Chapter 31

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My gosh guys!! Thank y'all so much I really appreciate the 1K!! I love all of you <3


Luke's POV:

Finally! Home sweet home. I need to get Ashton to bed we need sleep from all the shit that went down tonight.

"Thanks Boys. We'll contact you guys soon or vise versa." I yell out to the One Direction lads.

"Sure mate." Louis yells back.

I walk up the drive way with my Ashy in my arms sound asleep. Cal goes to unlock the door and holds it open to me. I instantly make my way up the huge stairs and I feel like my feet are going to fall off. I open my bedroom door while holding the sleeping boy with one arm, damn I am strong

Okay Luke not the time.

I close the door with my feet and lock the door. I had Ashton put his clothes back on in the van so I lie him down on my bed and take his shirt over his head and slide off his jeans only leaving him in his boxers. I do the same with me and slide an arm around my baby's waist and pull him to me as I pull the covers up over our bodies.

"I love you Ashton Fletcher Irwin."


"N-no! G-g-get a-away!" What's that?

"L-Luke s-save ME!" Oh my gosh that's Ashton. My eyes go wide as I jump up in bed and look over to Ash that's literally shaking and screaming beside me.

"Hey Ash. Shh! Baby wake up it's okay." It gets even worse and I straddle his waist so he stops wiggling around. I peck his lips a couple times while whispering for him to wake up. The last time I peck his lips he stops his movements and his eyes snap open.

He has tears running all down his cheeks and he can't stop gasping for air.

"Hey, shh. I'm right here" I finally get his attention and he tackles me so I fall on my back and he cuddles into me as close as he can.

"Thanks you so much." He looks at me as his voice cracks.

"You saved me Luke. I love you."

"I love you too baby let's go back to sleep." He nods into my chest as I flip us over so he's laying across me.

"Sing to me." I nod and think of the first thing that comes into my mind, when I finish he's fast asleep again.


Ashton's POV:

Ahh man my head hurts. I am never drinking again ever. Oh no, I remember everything that happened last night. I almost got raped and before the last couple of seconds Luke saved me. I couldn't be more thankful for that.

I sit up from Luke's body as I open my eyes a steam of light is shining through a huge window. I guess I'm in his room, damn his room is huge. I yawn the biggest yawn ever.

"Morning princess." I hear a groggy yet sexy voice speak up and I only have one guess on who that is.

"Morning Luke." I smile lovingly at him.

"I love you so much." He leans up to peck my lips a few time.

"Let's make breakfast!" I squeal as I try to roll off the bed but 2 arms pull me back in.

"So you don't want to talk about why happened last night?" He asks warily.

"Nope." I smile widely

"Are you sure?" He asks again.

"Yes. Absolutely positively." I nod and hug him before I run down the stairs.

"AHHH!!! MY EYES!!" I scream as I see Michael and Calum on the couch with only a piece of clothing between the both of them. Luke comes thumping down the stairs with his guitar.

"WHAT HAPPENED?" We all look at him like he's freaking crazy.

"Really Hemmings? Would you seriously use your most prized possession as a weapon?" I raise an eyebrow at him.

"It's not my prized possession. You are." He cheekily winks as he places the guitar down near the stairs.

I roll my eyes as I see a pillow on the floor and I chuck it at the two lovebirds on the couch.

"Go get clothes on." I yell to them as I step into the kitchen and start getting out all the ingredients to make pancakes.

A couple minutes later I am flipping them in the pan and I feel arms wrap from behind my waist.

"Smells delicious. Just like you." I can literally feel the smirk forming on his face. What surprises me though is he is right next to my ear and as he goes to pull away he drags his teeth along my earlobe. The sudden movement causes tingles and chills flow through my body.

"So hot." I mutter under my breath so no one can hear me.

"Done!" I cheer and do a little dance and a fully clothed new hair colored best friend jumps on my back and cheers with me.

"Hahahaha get off me."

"That was fun."

"I love the new hair color by the way I didn't get to tell you this before because of your little activity that just went on." I place my hands on my hips and try to stifle a laugh.

"You look like a freaking skunk Mikey."

"Oh can it ya wanker." Oh no he didn't.

"Go sit at the table." I spit jokingly at him.

"Sheesh someone needs to get laid." I instantly freeze and I notice Luke does as well. Calum walks In as well and freezes.

"Just eat." I whisper sadly. That's the end of that conversation.

"The phone is ringing!" We all yell randomly at the same time and laugh out of nowhere. There isn't even a phone ringing.

I can't stay mad at them.

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