Chapter 19

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3rd update today!


Ashton's POV:

I can't believe my eyes and ears. Standing in front of us is Louis Tomlinson and he wants US to go on tour with him and the rest of the One Direction guys. This is probably the greatest thing ever. One Direction is my favorite band I have been to so many of their concerts with Michael so this has to be the best day of our lives.

"This is amazing, of course we want to Lou!"

"Do you mind if I call you that?" I ask and blush furiously he's my favorite out of the band but him and Harry have a huge thing, everyone can see it. Their management are a bunch of bloody idiots.

"Yeah mate, why not. Eric can I have a minute with them?"

"Yeah sure just get me when your done, they have a contract to sign." He winks at all of us and steps out of the room.

"We're gonna be seeing a lot more of each other boys. We would like to have you guys over and we could all get to know each other better." Is he really suggesting that?

"I love you Louis!!" Michael yells and runs up to hug him. Calum tries to protest and honestly it's the funniest thing ever.

"Sorry babe but I got a lovely curly headed dimpled smile cutie at home. Plus I guess Cal and you are dating so if looks could kill I probably would be dead right now."

I awe out loud and everyone turns to stare at me. I'm not crazy, I promise.

"About the umm Larry. Not about you dying." I smile nervously.


"Calm down Mikey." Damn that boy is the one that's crazy.

"Yes Larry. Hahaha." He clarifies dreamily.

"Your laugh is so amazing. Niall's is the best though." I wink.

"Hey! What about mine!" Oh my gosh Luke is such a baby.

"Is there something going on with you two that I need to know about." Lou winks at us and I instantly gag.

"Never in a million years." I make a face and it's not a nice one.

"My gosh Zayn would love you dude!!!" Louis yells.

"Anyways! I need ya'll numbers because I gotta run into my baby's arms."

"Aww cute Lou! Here you go lad."

We give him all our numbers and he texts all of us in a group cut and I notice it's with the rest of the boys as well!! My gosh I think I'm going to faint.

"Gotta run! Bye boys!"

"By Louis." We all chorus after him. Eric comes back in and he has papers with him.

"Let's do this, and you will be on your way. I will contact you when we meet up. It was nice meeting you boys and I can't wait to work with you." We sign all of the papers and we run out of the building making loads of noise. As we are about to run out the door I see the lady on her period is gone.

'Hopefully she got fired' I thought.


I know it's a short chapter but the next one will be longer. <3

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